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黑人舞曲歌姬〔水晶女郎〕克麗絲托華特絲──舞廳冠軍經典──〔Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless) /吉普賽女郎〕
2009/08/20 15:02:57瀏覽218|回應0|推薦1


黑人舞曲歌姬〔水晶女郎〕克麗絲托華特絲──舞廳冠軍經典──〔Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless) /吉普賽女郎〕



Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless)
she wakes up early every morning
just to do her hair now, because she cares you all
her day wouldn't be right
without her make up - shes never out of makeup
shes just like you and me but she's homeless
she homeless
and she stands their singing for money
la da dee la doo dow, la da dee la do dow

you try hard not to care about the homeless 'cause you got your own mess
you barley make enough for
well is she all lies, should you apologise
and then her smile says please
as she stands their singing for money
la da dee la doo dow, la da dee la do dow

in my sleep i see her begging
reaching, please
although the fault is not mine i ask god why
god why
shes just like you and me but she's homeless
she homeless
and she stands their singing for money
la da dee la doo dow, la da dee la do dow


1964年出生的黑人歌手‘水晶女郎’──克麗絲托華特絲(Crystal Waters來自紐澤西州

她有個鼎鼎大名的姑婆──爵士名伶Ethel Waters


後來她認識著名的舞曲製作三人組Basement Boys 展開長達數年合作
1991年春天 克麗絲多發行首支單曲〔Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless)

歌詞簡單但犀利 House舞曲中相當少見在歌曲傳達意義訊息的傑作
這首節奏輕快 旋律琅琅上口的Hosue/Neo-Disco舞曲收錄在水晶女郎首張大碟〔Surprise〕中
Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless)〕推出後大受歡迎

此外還獲得流行榜#8 節奏藍調榜#25

國際市場更是成功 拿下英國亞軍(銀唱片20萬張) 義大利&荷蘭瑞士#1 德國亞軍 奧地利&愛爾蘭#3 瑞典#8 法國&澳洲#11

我有蒐集〔Surprise〕大碟 裡邊的歌曲皆相當耐聽

Gypsy Woman(She's Homeless)〕亦是其中佳作




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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