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黑人美女〔凡妮莎威廉絲〕──舞曲榜冠軍──性感美豔的〔The Comfort Zone/舒適地帶〕
2009/08/24 15:18:41瀏覽186|回應0|推薦1


黑人美女〔凡妮莎威廉絲〕──舞曲榜冠軍──性感美豔的The Comfort Zone/舒適地帶〕


The Comfort Zone
Where do you go
when there's a need to be loved
oh I'll let you know
just what to do and where to go

hey hey welcome to the comfort zone
when you need to be loved like you need to be loved
welcome to the comfort zone
do whatever fells right and turns you on

after a hard day's work
there's one thing to be certain of
this ol' familiar love
it's unusual to find that it's sensual
it's all you need to let go

there's no need to try
or compromise
or settle for another outside of my love
the thing to do
when you get through
heed the message seek the comfort of my zone

hey welcome to the comfort zone
when you need to be loved like you need to be loved
welcome to the comfort zone
do whatever fells right and turns you on

hey let me make you comfortable
let me take control
and give your mind a break from the day you made
let's turn the lights down low
and oh the rest you know
I'll be here for you

'cause you just stepped into the comfort zone

1991年秋天 繼首支成功的節奏藍調榜/舞曲榜冠軍〔Running Back To You〕後
黑人美女凡妮莎威廉絲(Vanessa Williams,舊譯‘范妮莎威廉斯’)推出〔The Comfort Zone/舒適地帶〕大碟第二首主打
The Comfort Zone〕是首中板的復古R&B舞曲
編曲精緻  凡妮莎的唱腔慵懶性感
此曲在流行榜成績雖然沒有〔Running Back To You〕那麼紅 (#62)
但表現也不差 拿下節奏藍調榜亞軍
舞曲銷售冠軍 舞廳播放#25

The Comfort Zone〕也讓凡妮莎拿到葛萊美節奏藍調女歌手提名
至於MV仍延續〔Running Back To You〕的風格

攝影絢爛奪目 鮮明華麗 裡邊的凡妮莎更加性感美豔

個人覺得The Comfort Zone〕的音樂錄影帶拍得比〔Running Back To You〕更出色


Anyway, The Comfort Zone〕可謂節奏藍調舞曲中的精品







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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