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美國黑人水晶女郎[克麗絲托華特絲]─House/舞曲流行經典─〔100% Pure Love/百分之百純愛〕
2010/05/17 00:00:29瀏覽281|回應0|推薦1

美國黑人水晶女郎[克麗絲托華特絲]──House/舞曲流行經典──〔100% Pure Love/百分之百純愛〕

<100% Pure Love>
Its 12 past midnight, dont close your eyes
Your souls half alive, and Ill be by your side
Ive come to take you there, show you how to care
Just be aware, that youll have to share

1-I want your love, I want it tonight
Im taking your heart, so dont you fight
Ill be your answer, Ill be your wish
Ill be your fantasy, your favorite dish

2-From the back to the middle and around again
Im gonna be there til the end
100% pure love
(repeat 2)

You saw a brand new high, thought that you could fly
Did I hear you cry, or did you like the ride
You call my name again, no its not a sin
Ill show you how to win, and where Ive been
(rpt 1, 2, 2, 2)

Youll never have to run away
youll always have a friend to play
Youll never go out on your own
In me you will find a home, home

1994年春天 以〔Gypsy Woman(Shes Homeless)/吉普賽女郎(她無家可歸)〕成名的黑人舞曲歌手水晶女郎/克麗絲托華特絲(Crystal Waters推出第二張大碟〔Storyteller/說書人〕
首支單曲為2月發行的〔100% Pure Love/百分之百純愛〕
在克麗絲托略帶爵士味的慵懶演繹下 洋溢著一股迷人的魅力
〔100% Pure Love〕先在舞曲榜告捷後 然後進軍流行界 只是成績不佳
正當大家認為〔100% Pure Love〕準備消失在排行榜時
衝到Top 20 最後拿到美國流行榜#11 並停留數月
即使在下降過程中 還曾得過Greatest Gainer/Airplay
此曲得到舞廳播放榜冠軍 舞廳銷售亞軍  黑人榜#38
另外還是1994年終舞廳播放冠軍 銷售達到金唱片

國際市場方面 則拿到英國#15 澳洲亞軍 荷蘭#15 瑞士#20 奧地利#26 紐西蘭#44

個人覺得〔100% Pure Love〕是首蠻耐聽的House 舞曲








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