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美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉芭頓]-鄉村抒情佳作-描述女性寂寞心理的[Single Woman/單身女郎]
2016/02/04 00:01:25瀏覽177|回應0|推薦5

美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉芭頓]--鄉村抒情佳作--描述女性寂寞心理的[Single Woman/單身女郎]


(Michael ODonoghue)

Single bars and single women
With a single thought in mind
Just to make it till the morning
Looking for what they can find
For a man they wont remember
For a night they cant forget
Do you come to this place often?
May I light your cigarette?
Drinkin beer in Amarillo
Passing time and swaping jokes
Hoping for a new beginning
But beginning to lose hope
And youre waiting for that moment
When a glance becomes a stare
Mmm, whats that perfume that youre wearing?
Havent I met you somewhere?

Find a matchbook in the morning
With a name and number scrawled
When you phone, a woman answers
And you wish youd never called
Oh, theyre friendly when they meet you
But theyre strangers when they go
Ahh, do you mind if I come join you?
Would you like to dance one more?

And its gettin near to closing
And the seconds pass like years
Lots of friends to share the laughter
Not a one to share the tears

Oh and you wish theyd change that juke box
Cause you know every song it plays
Can I drop you off at my place?
Oh, whats the matter, are you gay?
You gotta twenty in your pocket
Got your toothbrush in your purse
Life could get a whole lot better
But it better not get worse

Single bars and single women
With a single thought in mind
Just to make it till the morning
Looking for what they can find




1980年 美國鄉村樂波霸才女桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)主演職場喜劇[9to 5]大賣 躍升影壇紅星

演唱的電影同名主題曲也登上排行榜冠軍 拿到百萬金唱片

專輯[9 to and Odd Jobs]在大碟榜則創下事業新高(#11) 創下事業新高


1984年春天 36歲的桃莉發行第24張個人專輯[Heartbreak Express/心碎特快列車]


大碟仍由Gary Klein製作 但曲風轉回較為鄉村味


首支單曲是[Single Woman/單身女郎] 由電視喜劇綜藝秀[Saturday Night]邊劇Michael O’Donoghue所寫

Gary Klein將其製作一首Honkytonk風格歌曲

在緩慢的節奏中 描述一群在單身酒吧尋找愛情的女性

Single Woman]登上美國鄉村榜#8 加拿大鄉村榜冠軍

雖然[Heartbreak Express]大碟兩首主打都擠入Top10 但專輯反應卻不如預期

只登上流行榜#101 鄉村榜#5 也沒拿到認證

開始她高峰過後 起伏不定的80年代時期






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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