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但多是自由藝人與獨立製片旗下演員 至於一般大電影公司的明星(如Bette Davis, Greer Garson, Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth…等則沒名列其中)


Barbara Stanwyck


Gary Cooper



Ginger Rogers, James Stewart



Irene Dunne, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Fontaine, Myrna Loy, Fred MacMurray, Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer, Teresa Wright, David Niven, Joan Crawford, and Joseph Cotten



Loretta Young, Merle Oberon, Robert Cummings, George Sanders and Charles Coburn.



Gary Cooper

Ginger Rogers

 James Stewart

Teresa Wright, David Niven, Joseph Cotton會出現在15萬之列讓人有點訝異

不過Teresa當時處在事業顛峰 拿到奧斯卡獎 加上又是獨立製片Samuel Goldwyn的藝人


不過離開Samuel Goldwyn後 她的事業便下滑了

1950年為跟Fred Zinnemann合作 片酬降至5萬元

Wright說從此她的酬勞便固定這數字 再也回不去了


Teresa Wright

David Niven, Joseph Cotton在1940年代的聲勢比較像10萬級

或許因為他們是獨立製片的演員 所以外借價較高


Joan Crawford沒多久拿到奧斯卡影后 便跟華納改簽新約 片酬條到每部25萬元了


Joan Crawford

至於10萬級 Loretta Young在1930年代末期20世紀福斯就已是15萬元級明星

後來與哥倫比亞公司簽約 片酬降為75K

不過其主演電影反應都不錯 沒調回15萬元讓人有些意外


Loretta Young

Merle Oberon有個大製片老公 只要求10萬似乎有點謙抑(只是兩人已在1945年離婚)

George Sanders Charles Coburn常在主角/配角間遊移


不過好的綠葉總是襯托紅花的要件 所以也有那種資格吧 



Merle Oberon










The Big Money Makers

by Fred Stanley

The New York Times, March 3, 1946 page II 3


"Standard Prices"

One hundred and fifty thousand dollars a picture now appears to the standardized as the salary for Hollywood's current "name-above-title" stars. This per-film rate, now seemingly almost as rigid as an OPA ceiling price, applies particularly to the so-called freelance stars and to those who are loaned to other companies by the producers to whom they are under contract.

Representative of the present $150,000 group are Irene Dunne, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Fontaine, Myrna Loy, Fred MacMurray, Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer, Teresa Wright, David Niven, Joan Crawford, and Joseph Cotten. Among the freelance exceptions in higher brackets are Gary Cooper, $200,000 per picture and Ginger Rogers and James Stewart, $175,000 each. In the $100,000 class are Loretta Young, Merle Oberon, Robert Cummings, George Sanders and Charles Coburn. Representatives of the $75,000 supporting player group are Walter Brennan and Franchot Tone.

The veritable salary-standardization seems to have accompanied the trend toward decentralized production and the increase in independent company filming. In contracts made with these companies by the $150,000 stars, the deals generally specify fourteen weeks as a maximum engagement, but in several recent instances the contracts have provided for a twelve-week maximum, with two weeks to be contributed salary-free. This is in order that each additional week beyond fourteen will be reckoned as a twelfth of the per-picture salary ($12,500 a week) instead of a fourteenth. Moreover, it is not uncommon for top-name players to obtain from independent producers a share in the picture's profit in addition to their established salaries.

© 1946 The New York Times



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