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2024/12/31 13:03:00瀏覽201|回應0|推薦7 | |
英國美豔歌姬[金懷德]復出之作──流行搖滾──[You Came (2006)/你來了(2006)] Someone I know is staring at me And when I look into her eyes I see a girl that I used to be I hardly recognise Cos in the space of a year Ive watched the old me disappear All of the things I once held precious Just dont mean anything anymore Cos suddenly
You came, and changed the way I feel No one could love you more Because you came and turned my life around No one could take your place
Ive never felt good with permanent things Now I dont want anything to change You cant imagine the joy you bring My life wont be the same And Ill be there when you call Ill pick you up if you should fall Cos I have never felt such inspiration Nobody else ever gave me more because
You came, and changed the way I feel No one could love you more Because you came and turned my life around No one could take your place
I watch you sleep in the still of the night You look so pretty when you dream So many people just go through life Holding back, they dont say what they mean But its easy for me Since you came No one could love you more Because you came and turned my life around No one could take your place You came, and changed the way I feel No one could love you more Because you came and turned my life around No one could take your place
英國金髮美豔歌手金懷德(Kim Wilde)自2001年起開始回歸歌壇, 但重心放在歐陸樂壇. 2005年, 懷德與德國EMI簽約, 2006年9月,將滿46歲的金終於推出睽違11年的第十張全新大碟[Never Say Never],主要在歐陸(不包括英國), 南非, 土耳其與日本發行 由弟弟瑞奇懷德(Ricky Wilde)與德國音樂人Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen共同製作,改走流行搖滾曲風 專輯包括八首全新歌曲與六首過去暢銷曲的新版或混音.
首支單曲是翻唱自己1988年的暢銷曲[You Came/你來了](UK#3,Ger#5,Fra#5,EURO#2)的新版本[You Came (2006)/你來了(2006)], 由金+瑞奇懷德姐弟合寫,旋律討好.原本是流行舞曲風格. 新版由Jörn-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen製作成一首流行搖滾,編曲輕快奔放, 雖然已過18年,金的嗓音並未改編,其詮釋更加多元.
[You Came (2006)]登上德國單曲榜#20 瑞典#19 奧地利#24 荷蘭#26+30 比利時荷語區#33 義大利#35, 成為金十三年來在歐洲最熱門的個人單曲.
大碟[Never Say Never]表現中度成功:德國專輯榜#17-1988年以來最高. 瑞士#11 法國/奧地利#22 荷蘭#32 讓金的復出有個差強人意的開始
MV1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivU2crJSv8w
MV2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMYGGvY6g3Q
Audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHNR-V7ryn0
TOTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhu-OGrbVlU
Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEZ3kd9BC3M
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |