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英國威爾斯實力歌姬[雪莉貝西]──音樂劇/流行抒情曲──[Its Yourself/是你自己]
Its yourself I love, dont you know More than anyone, more than me When you want my love, dont you know What you went and done, dont you see If theres anything left to give Ill give it to you If theres any life I have to live Ill live it for you Whats my happiness Whats my wealth Whats my everything Its yourself If theres anything left to give Ill give it to you If theres any life I have to live Ill live it for you Whats my happiness Whats my wealth Whats my everything Its yourself!
1965年11月,27歲半的英國威爾斯非裔歌姬雪莉貝西(Shirley Bassey)推出單曲[Its Yourself/是你自己](Columbia唱片出版) 這是演唱1964英國音樂劇《瑪姬.梅/Maggie May》中的歌曲, (音樂劇本由Alun Owen創作,音樂和歌詞由Lionel Bart創作。 根據《瑪吉·梅》一首關於利物浦妓女的傳統民謠改編,涉及工會道德和利物浦愛爾蘭天主教碼頭工人之間的糾紛,以街頭妓女Margaret Mary Duffy和她的愛人——一位隨心所欲的水手的生活為中心.首輪共演出 501 場。)
[Its Yourself]由Lionel Bart創作. 被製作成一首流行抒情曲, 在優美的絃樂聲中,貝西的寬廣嗓音以強而有力的唱腔將歌曲帶向高潮.. 並有Tony Osborne And His Orchestra伴奏.
[Its Yourself]未入英國單曲榜,但拿到美國告示牌副榜──Easy Listening榜#38 此曲未收在雪莉錄音室大碟,但收錄在貝西眾多精選輯中.
Audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ovKC3NOj1U
1966 Recording
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |