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美國豔麗歌姬[凡妮莎威廉絲]──R&B抒情曲──[You Can't Run/你逃不了]
2021/07/22 00:15:41瀏覽395|回應0|推薦7

美國豔麗歌姬[凡妮莎威廉絲]&金牌製作人[娃娃臉]的合作──R&B抒情曲──[You Cant Run/你逃不了]



Show me a heart thats got no passion

Ill show you a heart thats got no life

Show me a man that doesnt give his heart

Ill show you man that tells you lies

And you can try to run, but theres nowhere to hide

Love is stronger than your lies

Oh and you can deny it all you want

But love will win, its just a matter of time

You know you cant run from love, you know, you know

You know you cant run, aint nowhere to hide

You know you cant run you know, you know, you know

You know you cant run, love is stronger than your lies

Show me a heart thats not committed

Ill show you a man that doesnt try

Show me a heart that doesnt die for love

Ill show you an empty man inside

You can run, but you wont find no place to hide

Love dont want your heart to die

Oh and you can deny love all you want

But love is strong and love wont be denied

You know you cant run from love, you know, you know

You know you cant run, aint nowhere to hide

You know you cant run you know, you know, you know

You know you cant run, love is stronger than your lies

You can run, but you wont find no place to hide

Love dont want your heart to die

Oh and you can deny love all you want

But love is strong and love wont be denied

You know you cant run from love, you know, you know

You know you cant run, aint nowhere to hide

You know you cant run you know, you know, you know

You know you cant run, love is stronger than your lies

You know you cant run from love, you know, you know

You know you cant run

You know you cant run you know, you know, you know

You know you cant run, love is stronger than your

Stronger than your lies



1994年12月, 31歲半的美國豔麗歌姬凡妮莎威廉絲(Vanessa Williams)推出第三張大碟[The Sweetest Days/流金歲月](Mercury發行)

製作群包括:Gerry Brown與凡妮莎擔任主要製作人,  Keith Thomas與娃娃臉(Babyface)各掌舵兩曲,

J Dibbs共同製作(Co-produced)一曲。
曲風多元, 除R&B, 靈魂, 流行外, 更增加不少她喜愛的爵士曲風, 以及嘻哈(Hip-Hop)等 , 但樂評好壞兩極。

[The Sweetest Days]登上Billboard專輯榜#57(1995年終#142) 副榜-R&B專輯榜#25(1995年終#68)

雖然名次不高,但銷售仍舊可觀, 在美國拿到百萬白金唱片


1995年7月, 凡妮莎推出第四單曲[You Cant Run/你逃不了]

由當時最熱門的製作人娃娃臉(Babyface)譜寫, 並製作成一首R&B抒情曲,

在中板的節奏間, 威廉絲以醇厚中音演唱, 帶有一種慵懶的美感。

只是[You Cant Run]未打進Billboard單曲榜, 只登上副榜-R&B單曲榜#40 

雖然名氣不高, 但卻是首耐聽佳作。










CD Extended Edit





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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