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美國鄉村樂歌姬[崔夏伊爾伍]─鄉村聖誕歌曲─輕快的[Reindeer Boogie/馴鹿搖擺]
2021/01/04 00:09:59瀏覽373|回應0|推薦10

美國鄉村樂歌姬[崔夏伊爾伍]──鄉村聖誕歌曲──輕快的[Reindeer Boogie/馴鹿布吉]

Santa had a cup of coffee and he ate a little snack

Thru his pack right over his back

Open the windows of his little shack

And Shouted Oh Dasher and Dancer

Vixen and Blitzen come on here

Were gonna get a-going and spread some cheer

So limber your legs and sharpen your hooves

Cause tonight is the night were gonna jump on the roof.

Well the reindeer they were so proud and grand

To take another trip all over the land

They jumped right into thier proper place

To get hepped up for that midnight race.

Ol Santa he shook off the ice and snow

Boarded his sleigh and then yelled "Lets go!"

All the little toys were happy too

Cause they were so bright and new.

A little piano then started to play

Oh Santa began to swing and sway

Thought he heard a toy drum starting to beat

But he found it was just the rhythm of the reindeer feet.

The reindeer boogied in the middle of the road

Tonight we have a mighty big load

Dont boogie to the left, now boogie to the right

Do the reindeer boogie this Christmas eve night...


1994年月9月13日, 離30歲生日只剩一星期的美國鄉村樂界紅星崔夏伊爾伍(Trisha Yearwood)發行第四張錄音室大碟──也是其首張聖誕專輯[The Sweetest Gift](MCA Nashville出版)

Garth Fundis製作, 混合耶誕經典歌曲與原創作品, 獲得優秀樂評

首支主打是[It Wasnt His Child/不是他的孩子]


1999年, 崔夏推出第二主打[Reindeer Boogie/馴鹿布吉],

由鄉村歌手Hank Snow , Charlie Faircloth,  Cordia Volkmar合寫 ,


在快板的及節拍間, 崔夏的醇厚嗓音詮釋活潑。

[Reindeer Boogie]Billboard副榜──鄉村單曲榜#63

[The Sweetest Gift]登上Billboard專輯榜#105 副榜──鄉村專輯榜#17

銷售逾50萬張, 拿到金唱片
















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