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美國當代福音樂天后[艾美葛蘭特]─成人流行/當代福音曲─[1974(We Were Young)]
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美國當代福音樂天后[艾美.葛蘭特]──成人流行/當代福音曲──[1974(We Were Young)/1974(當我們年輕時)]


Written by Amy Grant, Gary Chapman,

Jerry McPherson

We were young,

And none of us know quite what to say,

But the feeling moved

Among us in silence anyway.

Slowly we had made

Quite a change--

Somewhere we had crossed a big line.

Down upon our knees,

We had tasted holy wine,

And no one could sway us

In a life time.

Purer than the sky,

Behind the rain.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love.

Love had lit a fire;

We were the flame.

Burning into the darkness,

Shining out from inside us.

Not a word.

And no one had to say we were changed.

Nothing else we lived through

Would ever be same the same,

Knowing the truth

That we had gained.

Purer than the sky,

Behind the rain.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love.

Love had lit a fire;

We were the flame.

Burning into the darkness,

Shining out from inside us.

Stay with me.

Make it ever new,

So time will not undo,

As the years go by,

How I need to see

Thats still me.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love.


Burning into the darkness,

Shining out from inside us.

Purer than the sky,

Behind the rain.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love.

Love has lit a fire;

I am the flame.

Burning into the darkness,

Shining out from inside us.

Purer than the sky,

Behind the rain.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love. (Ohh...)

Love has lit a fire;

I am the flame.

Burning into the darkness,

Shining out from inside us.

Purer than the sky,

Behind the rain.

Falling down all around us,

Calling out from a boundless love.


1988年初夏 27歲半的美國當代福音天后艾美.葛蘭特(Amy Grant)發行第七張錄音室大碟〔Lead Me On/引導我〕(Myrrh, A&M出版)

Brown Bannister製作 樂壇高度評價 成為當代福音另一張經典之作

這張專輯由Brown Bannister製作  流行元素比前幾張少了些 

較側重信仰 智慧這些形而上的題材  不過仍收錄幾首較主流味的歌曲



1988年底, 艾美推出第三首單曲[1974(We Were Young)1974(當我們年輕時)

由她&丈夫Gary ChapmanJerry McPherson合寫


不過在此曲發行後, 葛蘭特說其實應該是15歲。

1974(We Were Young)]被製作成一首成人流行抒情風的當代福音曲

在中慢板的節奏間, 葛蘭特綿軟嗓音詮釋感性。

1974(We Were Young)]登上當代福音音樂雜誌(CCM)的福音熱門電台單曲榜冠軍




也讓〔Lead Me On〕銷售繼續持平













( 休閒生活音樂 )
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