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美國黑人歌姬[狄昂華薇克]──中板成人流行曲──甜美的[Easy Love/舒適的愛]
2018/10/16 12:28:03瀏覽350|回應0|推薦8

美國黑人歌姬[狄昂華薇克]──中板成人流行曲──甜美的[Easy Love/舒適的愛]


As close as any lovers can be,

When I feel your magic holding me.

You make the love inside me flow.

Baby (Baby) Theres just something that I want you to know


That its so easy love,

When I got you in my arms this way.

Oh its heaven when I hear you say,

In your heart is where Ill always be.


Oh-oh its easy love.

You know its something like I felt before.

A way you keep me coming back for more,

When you making easy love to me.



Your touch can make me feel so high.

With you the night just seems to fly.

You take my every breath away.

Oh-Oh-oh, Baby.(Baby)oh what more than is there to say,

To say...


That its so easy love,

When I got you in my arms this way.

Oh its heaven when I hear you say,

In your heart is where Ill always be.


Oh-oh its easy love.

You know its something like I felt before.

The way you keep me coming back for more,

When you making easy love to me.


That its so easy love,

When I got you in my arms this way.

Oh its heaven when I hear you say,

In your heart is where Ill always be.


That its so easy love,

When I got you in my arms this way.

Oh its heaven when I hear you say,

In your heart is where Ill always be.


Oh! Oh! Its easy love.

You know its something like I felt before.

The way you keep me coming back for more,

When you make easy love to me.


美國黑人流行歌姬狄昂華薇克(Dionne Warwick)與Arista唱片簽約

以專輯〔Dionne〕與單曲〔Ill Never Love This Way Again〕成功東山再起

1980年7月 華薇克乘勝追擊 發行〔No Night So Long 〕大碟

Steve Buckingham製作

拿到Billboard專輯榜#23 差強人意

首支同名單曲拿到美國流行榜#23 (成人抒情榜冠軍  黑人榜#19)

1980年11月 將滿40歲的狄昂推出第二主打[Easy Love/舒適的愛]

此曲由Steve Dorff, Larry Herbstritt, Randy Cate製作

被製作成一首成人流行曲 節拍中板 穩定輕快

狄昂以輕柔的方式演繹此曲 甜美可人

Easy Love]拿到美國流行榜#62 成人當代榜#12

在華薇克的歷年單曲中雖名氣不高, 卻是首耐聽的歌曲











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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