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賽普路斯*希臘歌壇天后[安娜維西]─迪斯可經典─[Aftos Pou Perimeno/我等待的人]
2018/08/19 00:13:33瀏覽727|回應0|推薦10

賽普路斯/希臘歌壇天后[安娜維西]──迪斯可流行/Modern Laika經典──[Aftos Pou Perimeno/我等待的人]




Aftós pou periméno

de tha ‘rthei apó ta astéria

tha ‘nai ta dyo tou chéria gemáta chómata


Aftós pou periméno

de tha ‘nai o ippótis

tha ‘nai aplós stratiótis sta charakómata


Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno




Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno




Aftós pou periméno

den paristánei káti

eínai éna anthropáki

ópos eímaste óloi mas


Aftós pou periméno

den eínai éna astéri

kanénas den ton xérei

mésa stin póli mas


Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno




Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno




Aftós pou periméno

den échei eftá palátia

ma apó ta dyo tou mátia

kyláei to dákry mou


Aftós pou periméno

den gráfei istoría

doulévei mes sta krýa

gia tin agápi mou


Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

de tha ‘rthei apó ta astéria




Aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

aftós pou periméno

den échei eftá palátia




The one Im waiting for

wont come from the stars.

His two hands will be full of dirt.


The one Im waiting for

wont be the knight,

{he} will be a simple soldier on the frontilne.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one,

the one.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one,

the one.


The one Im waiting for

doesnt pretend anything.

Hes a small human

just like everyone of us is.


The one Im waiting for

is not a star.

Nobody knows him

within our city.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one,

the one.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one,

the one.


The one Im waiting for

doesnt have seven palaces,

yet from the two eyes of his

my tear is flowing.


The one Im waiting for

doesnt make history.

He works into the cold

for my love.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for

wont come from the stars.

The one,

the one.


The one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for,

the one Im waiting for

doesnt have seven palaces.

The one,

the one.




1978年 賽普路斯/希臘歌壇紅星安娜維西(Anna Vissi)從Minos唱片跳槽EMI Greece

1979年春天 21歲半的安娜發行在新東家首張專輯/事業第二張大碟[Kitrino Galazio/黃, 藍]

這回她打算在原有的Modern Laika外 加入更流行的曲風

改換Kostas Fasolas製作

專輯頗獲好評 達到白金唱片銷售 成為1979年最暢銷的專輯之一


首支主打為[Aftos Pou Perimeno/我等待的人]

這是首融合Modern Laika的迪斯可/流行曲

在輕快的節拍中  安娜不斷重覆歌名 告知她想要的男人

Aftos Pou Perimeno/我等待的人]迅速成為熱門曲 名列當年希臘播放率最高的金曲之一


1997年 EMI推出迷你EPThe Remixes: Oso Eho Foni & Aftos Pou Perimeno] 收錄Oso Eho Foni & Aftos Pou Perimeno各兩首混音 在希臘電台與舞廳被強力播放







TV Clip Snippet (1979)



Oso Exo Foni & Autos Pou Perimeno (Live @ Diogenis)



Oso Exo Foni & Autos Pou Perimeno (Live @ Ribas)



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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