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以色列歌壇天后[歐佛拉.哈莎]──融合歐洲流行舞曲與中東傳統音樂的[Ya Ba Ye]
2017/09/18 12:29:18瀏覽681|回應0|推薦6

以色列歌壇天后[歐佛拉.哈莎]──融合歐洲流行舞曲與中東傳統音樂的[Ya Ba Ye



Ya bi na ya!...

Tell me why

Tell me why

You run?

My mother's always told me

ya binti

Don't forget

min fain in-Ti

Remember who you are

Listen to the voice

That plays in your head

Make the right choice

Tell me why

Tell me why

ya bi na ya

Tell me why

Tell me why

You run?

My mother says, my mother says

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Tell me why

Tell me why

You run?

I had to see it my way

'Cause life is very short

The more I try to learn

The less I seem to know

Oh - I cry in my bed

Ye... I miss my home

The home I can't forget

I hear my mother's voice

Tell me why

Tell me why

ya bi na ya

Tell me why

Tell me why

You cry?

My mother says, my mother says

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Don't run away

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Tell me why

Tell me why

ya bi na ya

Tell me why

Tell me why

You run?

My mother says, my mother says

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Tell me why

Tell me why

ya bi na ya

Don't run away

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Tell me why

Tell me why

You cry?

Don't run away

ya ba ye, ya ba ye

Don't run away

Tell me why

Tell me why

You run?



1988年 以色列歌壇天后歐佛拉.哈莎(Ofra Haza,1957-2000)以單曲〔Im Nin’AluEnglish Mix)/אם ננעלו/假如門扉關閉(英語混音)]登上德國, 西班牙,瑞士多國冠軍 成為首位以希伯來文登上歐洲榜后座的歌手, 讓她在國際歌壇一砲而紅

隨後推出的大碟[Shady]在西方國家有不錯成績(德國, 奧地利, 瑞士Top10) 讓哈莎的事業也突破



1989年1月 歐佛拉推出[Desert Wind]大碟

這回除哈莎自己外, 也邀來數位在歐美樂壇的著名製作人Arif Mardin,Joe Mardin,Thomas Dolby,Bezalel Aloni共襄盛舉

Desert Wind]以英語為主, 但仍有希伯來文, 阿拉伯語, 古亞美尼亞語, , 但曲風更偏向東方味




1990年初 哈莎在美國舞廳推出大碟第四主打[Ya Ba Ye

由她跟製作人Bezalel Aloni合寫


此曲融合歐洲流行與中東傳統音樂, 舞曲節拍輕快, 配上歐佛拉清亮嗓音宛如鳥類低飛高翔似的吟唱, 洋溢異域風情

Ya Ba Ye]登上美國Billboard舞曲榜#20 成為其繼〔Im NinAluGalbi〕後打入此榜的歌曲











Montreux Jazz Festival Live 1990



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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