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美國歌壇黑人天后[黛安娜蘿絲]──放克/流行搖滾佳作──[Up Front/坦率]
2017/04/23 13:56:44瀏覽301|回應0|推薦7

美國歌壇黑人天后[黛安娜蘿絲]──放克/流行搖滾佳作──[Up Front/坦率]



Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh


I wanna get it straight up front

Lets tell each other what we want

So we can both decide up front

If we like it or we dont


Just as long as Im single

Im gonna do what the heck I please

I dont feel its fair

For you to be restricting me


If you want a serious commitment

You gotta first make one yourself

If you want it one-sided

Youd better find somebody else


Thats why I wanna get it straight up front

Lets tell each other what we want

So we can both decide up front

If we like it or we dont


Now Ive been in relationships

Where Ive given all of myself

I did everything for him

He did everything for someone else


Now dont misunderstand me

Im not prejudging you

But if you plan to fool around

Let me know so I can do it too


Baby, get it straight up front

Lets tell each other what we want

So we can both decide up front

If we like it or we dont


Decide up front (Up front)

(Up front)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Up front)

Oh, oh (Up front)


I know everything cant be predicted

Because love dont work that way

But we can least agree on the rules

Before we start to play


Baby, get it straight up front

Lets tell each other what we want

So we can both decide up front

If we like it or we dont


Decide up front (Up front)

(Up front)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Up front)

Oh, oh (Up front)


Get it straight (Up front)

Oh, oh (We want)

Get it straight (Up front)

What we want (We want)


Get it straight up front





1981年 美國歌壇黑人天后黛安娜蘿絲(Diana Ross)從摩城(Motown)唱片跳槽到RCA公司

同年發行首張大碟[Why Do Fools Fall in Love] 英美銷售良好

1982年的〔Silk Electric〕專輯也有不錯成績


1983年6月 離上張大碟發行日期才9個月, 蘿絲便推出在RCA第三張大碟[Ross](1978年她曾發行一張結合新歌/舊曲的[Ross]專輯)

黛安娜不像前兩張主掌製作大權 邀來Gary KatzRay Parker, Jr.合作, 她只在八首歌曲中掌舵一首

這張專輯減弱以前的靈魂樂基調, 加強流行搖滾的成份

首支主打[Pieces of Ice]只拿到美國單曲榜#31 英國#46

1983年9月 蘿絲發行第二單曲[Up Front/坦率]

此曲由Ray Parker, Jr.譜寫/製作, 是首放克/流行搖滾, 電吉他演奏強勁有力

雖然歌曲動聽, 但黛安娜的主要歌迷接受度似乎不高, Up Front]並沒打入美國單曲榜, 只在副榜──黑人榜拿到#60 英國也沒擠入正式單曲榜Top75(#79)

專輯[Ross]樂評普通 銷售不佳 只登上美國榜#32, 英國榜#44





Tony Swain and Steve Jolley European 12" Remix







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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