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Leveling Weaponsmithing Efficiently
2023/12/02 13:44:04瀏覽18|回應0|推薦0
Pay attention to the required resources for New World coins each craft to avoid using rare materials unnecessarily.

Be mindful of the Forges tier, as attempting to craft an item without meeting the tier requirement will result in a "Cant Craft" notification.

Leveling Weaponsmithing Efficiently:

Focus on Gathering:

Prioritize leveling gathering skills, especially Mining, to ensure a steady supply of materials for crafting.

Complete Town Projects:

Increase Forge tier efficiently by completing requests from the Town Project Board within settlements.

Craft Strategically:

Choose crafts that provide optimal XP to level up faster.

Consider crafting items that require less rare materials to maximize resource efficiency.

Explore Higher-Tier Forges:

Visit settlements with higher-tier Forges for increased crafting options and opportunities.


Mastering Weaponsmithing in New World requires dedication and strategic planning. By understanding the basics, honing gathering skills, and efficiently utilizing Forges, you can navigate the challenges of cheap New World coins this profession and reap the rewards of crafting powerful melee weapons. Embrace the journey, craft strategically, and become a formidable Weaponsmith in the dynamic world of New World.
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