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Li-Li Bed & Breakfast 線上訂房 & 查詢空房
2012/06/20 23:35:33瀏覽703|回應0|推薦8


Li-Li Bed & Breakfast 線上訂房 & 查詢空房


Li-Li B&B TEL: 1-289-990-2868
E-mail: lilibedandbreakfast@yahoo.ca
Address: 4637Ellis St. Niagara Falls L2E 1H8
Ontario Canada
Li-Li B&B 民宿網站:
Li-Li Bed & Breakfast Website

尼加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls 風光旅遊資訊 :

Niagara Falls tour informations 湖邊小鎮 Niagara On The Lake 旅遊資訊 :
Niagara On The Lake tour informations

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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