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2013/11/24 23:25:51瀏覽170|回應0|推薦1
修靈到可為人師表時,若平常表現,沒做到長-重陽 彌人的建議時,當在廟裡拜拜,而身體出現劇烈痠痛時,表示主神在提醒當事人該做好長-重陽 彌人所建議之事。

Tips for “Xiu Ling”(to improve your magnetic field and aura field) till one can be an instructor

When your magnetic field and aura field is improved to the level of being able to be an instructor but couldn’t perform the advice from Shi Zhang-Chong Yang Mi Ren, his body would feel extraordinary pain when he is worshiping in the temple. That indicates the master of the temple is reminding him of doing what Shi Zhang-Chong Yang Mi Ren suggests.


修霊は人の手本となる時まで、ふだんも表現する事、やり遂げていません 提案の時、廟の中体は激しくてだるくて痛い時が現れて、神が当事者にしっかりと行うべきなように気づかせると提案した事。 

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