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2015/08/22 01:33:56瀏覽317|回應1|推薦9 | |
BLUE MOON 藍月 2015.7.31. The second full moon in July! It's so big, shining so bright and so perfectly-rounded. It does not happen very often: Once in a blue moon. 今年七月可以看到 看著此刻的藍月上昇 "好圓的月亮,大的都快掉下來了!" 這樣的明月,真的不常有!
Avalokistesvara (水月)觀音 這照片攝於台北市重慶南路的一家專門進口大陸文物的書店, 這是我第二次我與這幅《水月觀音》在熙來人往的街頭 不期而遇,這樣的機率有多少? 這書店很努力在奮戰求生存!入口的一側陳列著售價上萬元 台幣的卷軸,包括宋朝的《清明上河圖》等等的書香瑰寶, 入口的另一側則陳列著各種口味的咖啡豆, 書店職員在現場忙著蒸煮著研磨咖啡,水氣薰香四鄰! 現在,這幅壁畫的複製品已經從那裏的牆上消失了! 颱風搖撼台灣的夜晚,我就讀著這幅《水月觀音》。 明朝北京法海寺的壁畫! This particular image of Avalokistesvara was painted during 1439 to 1443. In the painting, the Buddha was surrounded by water vapors, in accordance to the idea of the Moon shining upon water. Dur Taiwan, I was studying about this image, which had stuck me with its beauty and serenity for some time. A Fallen 100-year-old Tree 百年樹木倒了
During the night the monster typhoon hit Taiwan,
this 100-year-old tree fell on the roof of the
100-year-old historical building on the university campus.
Can the tree live again, given proper help and care?
生命,值得不只一次的機會! 摔倒,也不是常有的事! 就當明月清風,過了就是!
The tree deserves a second chance, as everyone on
the campus has wished. However, it is up the tree
itself to beat the odds and contunue its journey up
to many hundreds of years of life span.
淡然之中,更顯出: 愛是恆常存在的學習!
Things take their natural courses, and love is a
continous process of everyday learning!
Love does come as the blue moon!
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |