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Signs You Need to Get Your Water Heater Repaired or Serviced
2022/11/25 19:05:31瀏覽60|回應0|推薦0

Water heaters are one of those appliances that we often don’t think about until they break down. But as any homeowner knows, a broken water heater can be a huge inconvenience. Not only do you have to deal with the hassle of no hot water, but you also have to find a reputable company to come and fix the problem—and that can be difficult, especially if you’ve never had to do it before. 

To save you the headache (literally), we’ve put together a list of signs that indicate you need to get your water heater repaired or serviced. By being proactive and catching these issues early on, you can avoid a total breakdown and save yourself a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Inefficient Water Heating

If your water heater is over a decade year old, it may be time for a replacement and get a new water heater ariston; however, if it's still relatively new, there are a few signs that indicate it may not be operating efficiently and could benefit from some repair or service. If you're noticing any of the following, it's time to call in a professional:

  • Your energy bills have gone up significantly

  • You're not getting as much hot water as you used to

  • The water coming out of the taps is lukewarm at best

  • There's water pooling around the base of the unit

One of the most common causes of inefficient water heating is sediment build-up. This can happen over time as minerals in the water settle on the bottom of the tank. Sediment can insulate the heat source from the water, making it harder for the unit to do its job. 

As a result, your energy bills go up and you don't get as much hot water. If you notice sediment at the bottom of your tank, it's time to have it flushed out by a professional.

Another possibility is that there's a problem with the heating element itself. This is usually indicated by lukewarm water coming from the taps, even when the unit is set to a high temperature. If this is happening, it's best to call in a professional who can diagnose and fix the problem.

Rusting and Leaks Around the Base of the Tank

If you notice any rusting or leaks around the base of your water heater tank, it's important to get it repaired or serviced as soon as possible. Rust can cause the tank to leak, and leaks can lead to water damage and mould growth.

Rumbling and Strange Noises Coming from the Tank

If you're hearing strange noises coming from your water heater tank, it's a sign that something is wrong and you need to get it repaired or serviced. The most common cause of these noises is sediment build-up on the bottom of the tank. 

As the sediment heats up, it causes the water to rumble and makes strange noises. If you don't have your water heater serviced regularly, this sediment can build up and cause serious damage to your tank. If you hear these noises, turn off your water heater and call a plumber or water heater service company to have it serviced or repaired.

The Water Around the Tank is Dirty or Discoloured

If the water around your water heater tank is dirty or discoloured, it's a sign that you need to get your water heater repaired or serviced. This is because the dirt and discoloration are likely due to a build-up of sediment in the tank. 

Sediment can cause a number of problems for your water heater, including decreased efficiency, increased wear and tear on the tank and heating elements, and premature failure. If you notice sediment in the bottom of your water heater tank, it's important to have it drained and cleaned as soon as possible to avoid these problems.

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