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How Is Whey Protein Made?
2022/11/20 13:55:01瀏覽59|回應0|推薦0

Simply speaking, โปรตีนเวย์ or whey protein powder is a byproduct of the cheese manufacturing process. Whey protein is derived from cow's milk, which naturally contains two forms of protein, casein and whey, in proportions of 80% and 20%, respectively. The milk is heated during the cheese-making process to eradicate undesirable germs. The milk is separated into curds and liquid whey as the temperature rises.

The curds are filtered after separation, leaving liquid whey behind. Whey is primarily water in its liquid form, with some protein, fat, carbs, and lactose. Whey is subsequently processed into protein powder by a multi-step filtration and drying process.

Procedure in steps

Let's delve further into each step of how whey protein powder is created, from cows grazing the lush pastures of New Zealand to a flavoured protein blend canister delivered to your door.

Milk from cows: Whey protein is an animal protein derived from the dairy industry. Fresh milk is gathered from cows who spend the most of their lives in the open air. This is very significant because it signifies that these cows are not given antibiotics or growth hormones (Rgbh) and are simply fed grass. It ensures that the milk is of the highest possible quality. Milk includes roughly 5% lactose, 4% fat, and 3.5% protein in its unprocessed form.

Transport: Cooled milk is transported in big refrigerated tanks to the next manufacturer.

Pasteurization: Milk includes microorganisms that can be dangerous to humans when it is freshly milked from cows. It must be pasteurised before it is fit for human consumption. To kill microorganisms, the milk is temporarily heated to 73°C and then immediately cooled. 

Heat has little effect on the key components in milk; only bacteria are eliminated during the procedure. The milk obtained after pasteurisation contains 20% whey and 80% casein and is ready for transformation.

Separation of Milk: Pasteurized milk is treated with enzymes such as Chymosin, which alters the casein micelle structure and causes the milk to curdle. The majority of the milk is converted into curds. This solid portion of milk is utilised as the foundation for a variety of cheeses. The liquid whey is the remainder.

Micro-filtration: Liquid whey is filtered to produce high-protein liquid whey. Whey is further purified in this process to eliminate lipids, carbs, and water. Liquid whey is filtered via an array of ceramic micro-filters at a protein synthesis factory. 

This is a fully normal procedure that takes place in a cold environment. This technique eliminates the majority of the fat and lactose from the liquid whey. The end result is a whey protein concentrate foundation.

Ultrafiltration (only for WPI): Whey protein isolate is created by ultra-filtering whey concentrate. The ultra-filtration membrane works by size exclusion, allowing the lactose-rich solution to pass through while retaining the bigger whey complex. Almost all fat and lactose are eliminated at this point.

Drying by Spray: A dryer is used to dry the high-protein whey liquid. The water is rapidly evacuated under the effect of hot and cold air. The proper spray drying technique also ensures that whey retains its nutritional content and that the protein is not denatured. When any remaining moisture has evaporated.

Quality Assurance: The quality of the unflavored whey protein powder is then determined. Protein content is constantly monitored. The finished product comprises between 80 and 90% protein.

Blending: The unflavored whey protein powder is packaged and transported to the final plant, where it is combined with other components. Only organic flavours derived from fruits and superfoods, thaumatin - a strong natural sweetener, and non-GMO sunflower lecithin are used by Go Good (for better solubility in liquids).

Packaging: Finally, the flavor-enhanced whey protein powder is packaged and sealed in 1Kg recyclable cardboard canisters. A sample of each batch is submitted to a lab for testing, where an infrared machine precisely measures the levels of protein, fat, carbohydrates, amino acids, and so on.

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