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7 Most Influential Programming Languages Today
2022/09/29 16:34:19瀏覽46|回應0|推薦0

Programming languages are essential tools for developers, and over the years they’ve evolved into some of the most important pieces of software. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the 10 most influential programming languages of all time. 


SAS is a specialised programming language that was made so that data from spreadsheets or databases can be analysed statistically. SAS collects this kind of data, analyses it, and shows the results in tables, graphs, and other text or Web-based documents.

Many students in college have trouble with their SAS assignments, so they are always looking for the best and most reliable help with SAS assignments. Fortunately, you can go here https://domyprogramming.com/do-my-sas-homework/ where a team of experts can help you figure out how to do your SAS assignments and answer any questions you may have.


Java is the most influential programming language of all time. It was first developed in 1995 and has since been used to create many programs that are used by people all over the world. Java is known for its simplicity and ease of use, which makes it a popular choice for beginners.

Java also has a large community of developers who are willing to help out newbies with their projects. This community has created many tools and libraries that make Java a powerful tool for developing software. Java is currently the fastest growing programming language and is expected to continue Growing in popularity for years to come.


Python has been widely used for programming for many years, and it continues to be one of the most popular languages. This is likely due to its simple syntax and its ability to handle a wide range of tasks.

Another reason why Python is so popular is its community. There are many developers who are passionate about Python, and they are always working on new features and improvements. This makes Python a very versatile language that can be tailored to meet the needs of different users.

Python also has a strong support system from major software companies. Many of these companies have developed tools specifically for Python, which makes it easy for developers to use these tools in their projects.


JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich, who was then a programmer at Netscape. JavaScript was designed to be simple and easy to use, which made it popular with developers.

JavaScript is now used in a variety of applications, including web development, gaming, and software development. It is also used in devices like smartphones and tablets. Because of its popularity, JavaScript has become one of the most important languages for developing websites and apps.


SQL was created in the early 80s by IBM and is still used today. SQL is a powerful language that allows for easy data manipulation. It is also widely used for database management systems (DBMS). SQL is not just for databases, though. It can also be used to control automated processes, create reports, and much more. Because of its versatility, SQL is often called the “language of business.”


Swift has quickly become one of the most popular languages for developing mobile apps and software for Apple devices. Swift is a very fast language, which makes it ideal for developing apps that need to be fast and responsive. It also has a strong type system that makes it easy to code correct code.

Swift is backed by Apple, which means that it has access to a wide range of resources and support. This makes it a great choice for developers who want to build reliable and high-quality applications.


Haskell is a relatively new programming language that has developed into one of the most influential languages in history. Haskell is known for its efficiency and its ability to handle large data sets efficiently. It has also been used to create systems that are resistant to errors, which makes it perfect for systems that need to be reliable.

Haskell is also popular because it is a very versatile language. It can be used for a wide variety of applications, including web development, scientific computing, and financial analysis. Its popularity means that there are an abundance of resources available online to help you learn Haskell.

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