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5 Unusual Uses of Marquees You Might Not Know
2022/08/27 22:39:03瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0

People usually think of "party" and "marquee" as two words that go together. Undoubtedly, marquees are one of the most popular places for parties, weddings, and business events. But that's not all they can be used for.

Marquees are versatile tools that can be used in a variety of different ways. When you think outside the box, you can find a lot of new ways to use a marquee. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the more unusual uses for marquees that you may not have considered before.


Marquees can be used for a variety of purposes, some of which are not immediately apparent. One common use for a marquee is as storage. A marquee can be used to store items like furniture or tools inside. It can also be used to store large items like TVs or bikes.


Another common use for a marquee is as a temporary shelter. Marquees can be set up in parks or other public areas to provide shelter from the weather. They can also be used to provide shelter for events like concerts or festivals.

Marquees can also be used as decoration. They can be used to create a unique atmosphere inside a venue or store. They can also be used to create an outdoor environment that is different from the normal surroundings.

House/Business/School Extension

A marquee can be used for a variety of purposes, some of which are not obvious at first glance. One common use for a marquee is to extend the length of a house or business. A marquee can also be used as part of a school extension.

A marquee can be used to create an outdoor area that is separate from the rest of the property. This area can be used for events, such as weddings or birthday parties. A marquee can also be used as a performance space, such as for concerts or plays.

A marquee can also be used as an advertising space. This area can be used to promote products or services. A marquee can also be used to showcase artwork.

Catering at Outdoor Events

There are many unusual uses for marquees, and catering can be one of them. A marquee can be used to hold outdoor events such as concerts and festivals. It can also be used to display products for sale.

If there is an emergency, such as a storm, a marquee can be used to protect people from the weather. The structure of a marquee can also be used to create temporary shelters during emergencies.

A Fun Way to Show Your Support for a Sports Team

If you're a fan of a sports team, why not show your support by using a marquee? A marquee is a fun way to show your support for your favorite team. You can use one to show your support for a specific game, or you can use it as an opportunity to have some fun.

There are many unusual uses for marquees. You can use one to announce the start of a party or to welcome guests to your home. You can also use one as a canvas for your artistic skills. Whatever you choose to do with it, having a marquee in your yard is sure to make everyone happy.

Hiring Marquees

Did you know that you can hire marquees for a one-off event and save a hell lot of money on booking space for an event? Yes, you can simply call a marquee hire Melbourne and set up a temporary space for any event in your backyard.

To find a reputable marquee hire company, you must learn to use the internet to your advantage. A quick google search will bring you a list of marquee rental companies in your area.

After that, you need to vet each company and settle for the best price-quality mix for your budget. You can do this by reading customer reviews, asking for references, and visiting the company premises. 

Before you book a marquee to rent, make sure you have inspected it for any damages so that you can have a flawless event. After comparing multiple quotes, settle for one that makes sense to you.

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