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Why You Should Stop Printing Paper Business Cards? 9 Reasons
2022/08/22 21:09:41瀏覽42|回應0|推薦0

Business cards have been a popular way to promote yourself and your company for many years now, but there are some reasons why you may want to reconsider printing them out and handing them out to everyone you meet. For one, printing and distributing physical business cards is environmentally destructive - it takes up space in landfills and produces greenhouse gases when burned. 

And secondly, it's not always the most effective way to connect with potential customers - electronic communication platforms like LinkedIn and email make it much easier for people to connect with you online. So why bother printing business cards at all if they're not going to be used?

The Advantages of E-Business Cards

For years, business cards have been a necessity for most people in the workforce. They are a way to introduce yourself and your company to others, and they are also a physical representation of your business. However, with the advent of electronic communication, there are many reasons why businesses should stop printing paper business cards.

The Disadvantages of Paper Business Cards

There are many reasons why you should stop printing paper business cards. Here are four reasons:

1. It’s expensive to print and distribute paper business cards.

2. Businesses that print a lot of paper business cards consume a lot of resources, including energy and water.

3. Paper business cards are a waste of time and money because they get lost or forgotten almost immediately.

4. You can easily create digital versions of your business cards that look better, are more portable, and require fewer resources to produce.

Why You Should Stop Printing Paper Business Cards

If your business is relying on printed business cards as a way to connect with potential customers, you may want to reconsider your strategy. Yes, paper cards are cheap and easy to produce, but there are plenty of other ways to get your message out there without spending a fortune on printing. Here are four reasons why you should stop printing paper business cards:

1. They're pricey to produce and distribute

Printing a few thousand business cards can cost a lot of money, especially if you have to order them in bulk. You could also end up spending a lot of money on shipping and handling charges if you have to send them out via mail.

2. They're outdated and ineffective

Business cards are one of the most outdated marketing tools that businesses can use. Many people now prefer to communicate with businesses online or through social media instead of through paper memos. If your business isn't actively using online marketing tools, then it's likely that your business cards will fall by the wayside.

3. They don't look good on paper

Most businesses struggle to create beautiful designs for their paper business cards, which makes them look outdated and amateurish. Instead of relying on outdated visual cues to help people remember your company, you should be using more contemporary methods like online marketing or social media marketing.

4. They're not portable

One of the key advantages of paper business cards is that they're portable. You can carry them around with you wherever you go and hand them out to potential customers. However, this advantage is no longer as important today because so many people communicate with businesses online.

5. They're easily forgotten

One of the biggest problems with paper business cards is that they're easily forgotten. If you hand them out to a lot of people, chances are that very few of them will actually remember your name or your company. In comparison, if you send out electronic business cards, you can be sure that each and every one of them will remember your name and your company.

6. You can save money on printing costs

One of the biggest benefits of digital business cards is that you can save money on printing costs. Rather than having to print thousands of cards each year, you can create digital business cards which print less and save a lot of money in the process.

7. You can easily share your business information with others

Another big benefit of digital business cards is that they are easy to share with others. Rather than having to hand out paper cards and hope that they make it back to you, you can easily send out electronic copies of your information and have everyone who needs it able to access it quickly and easily.

8. You can keep your cards updated easily

One of the biggest problems with paper business cards is that they tend to get outdated quickly. If your card information changes or if you want to add new information, you may find it difficult to do so without reprinting your entire card set. With digital business cards, this is not a problem at all - you can easily update your information online whenever you want.

9. Your cards won't get lost or forgotten

Another big problem with paper business cards is that they're easy to lose or forget. If you hand out a lot of paper cards and people don't actually use them, eventually, they'll get lost or forgotten. With digital business cards, this is not a problem at all - you can be sure that each and every one of your cards will be used in some way or another.

So, you should stop printing paper business cards and switch to digital business cards.

There are a few reasons why you might want to consider switching to electronic business cards instead. First, electronic business cards are more efficient than paper cards in terms of how much time and resources they consume.

Second, they're much easier to customize and match your company's branding.

Finally, electronic business cards can be tracked and monitored using software, which is an important feature for businesses that operate in regulated industries. So if you're looking for a more effective way to connect with potential customers, then electronic business cards may be the best option for you.


According to recent studies, printing business cards is becoming a thing of the past. Not only are they environmentally damaging, but they also have a negative impact on your bottom line.

In fact, some experts believe that by 2025, card-free businesses will be the norm! Why? Because technology has made it easy for customers to find and connect with businesses online, without ever having to print out anything. If you're worried about the cost of switching to a card-free business strategy, don't be - there are many affordable and sustainable ways to go about it.

So if you're struggling to find an effective way to connect with customers, it may be time to switch to electronic business cards instead. Not only are they more efficient and environmentally friendly, but they also look better and are easier to use than printed business cards.

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