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Timber Vs Composite Decking: Which Is Better?
2022/08/18 22:06:05瀏覽46|回應0|推薦0

In recent years, the popularity of composite decking has surged. This is because this type of decking has its own unique benefits. So, which one should you choose for your home? Timber decking or composite decking?

What is timber decking: Timber decking is a type of decking made from wooden boards that are typically glued together with a preservative. It is a popular choice for decks and balconies because its strong, weatherproof, and affordable. 

What is composite decking: Composite decking is a type of decking made from several layers of recycled materials. It is a popular choice for decks because it is strong, durable, and looks good. 

Timber vs Composite Decking - The Comparison

One of the most common questions asked about decking materials is “which is better: composite or timber?” The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the specific needs of your deck and the climate where it will be used. Heres a closer look at each material.

Timber: Timber is made from wood, which is a natural material. It can be pre-treated with chemicals to make it resistant to rot, but this treatment is not necessary for outdoor use. Timber decks are strong and provide a natural appearance. They can also be stained or painted to match your homes color scheme.

Composite: Composite decks are made from a combination of plastic and wood fibers. This makes them stronger than timber decks and they are also more resistant to rot and insect damage (though they may not be as stain or paintable as timber). Composite decks can also be elevated on legs to give them extra stability in high winds.

Pros and Cons of Composite and Timer Decking

Timber Decking

Pros: Timber decks are natural and beautiful, and they can last longer if maintained well. Theyre also more expensive than composite decks, but theyre worth it if you want a quality product. Timer is also a renewable product and has a very low carbon footprint.

Cons: Timber decks are heavy and require more maintenance than composite decks. They can also be damaged by weather conditions, such as wind and rain.

Composite Decking

Pros: Composite decks are cheaper than timber decks, and they dont require as much maintenance. Theyre also lighter than timber decks, so theyre easier to move and carry.

Cons: Composite decking is made of plastics that cant be made again. Some brands use recycled plastic, which makes them a little bit better for the environment. 

Composite decking is harder to recycle than wood decking at the end of its life, and the process of recycling composite decking produces more carbon emissions.

Which Is Better for Your Home?

Composite could be the right choice for you if you want something that lasts a long time and doesnt need much care. But if the look of natural wood, how it feels to walk on, and how long it will last are important to you , timber decking might be a better choice.

When you work with a reliable decking melbourne company, you can be sure that they sell high-quality, long-lasting decking made from a variety of wood species. So, if you need help choosing a decking for your home, it is best to let experts guide you through your choices.

Bothe composite and timber decking will make your home feel special; however, what matters to you with your decking needs is going to help you decide between the two.

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