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Why Do You Need Marble Restoration? 2022 Guide
2022/04/29 00:33:00瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0

When you look at a marble floor or a benchtop or any other surface, it exudes a feeling of class and luxury. It is one of the best ways to make your home décor stand out.

But with natural stone comes a lot of responsibility-to clean it and restore it from time to time.

Over time, the stone begins to chip away, crack due to pressure or have scratches or etch marks due to a number of reasons. 

This makes your once coveted marble floor look old and worn out. It is a painful sight to see a discoloured and scratched marble surface.

Therefore, you need to properly maintain your marble, which is an ongoing process and there are times you will need marble restoration Melbourne experts to come in and make your floor appear as good as new.

Despite marble being stronger than most flooring options, it is vulnerable to heat and extreme pressure and friction. 

As marble is permeable and easily accumulates dirt and stains much faster than synthetic stones or tiles, over time, it can lose its natural colour and shine.

Interestingly, the most common reason for marble damage is improper care during its installation on the sub-floor. So, be sure you have the best people working at your home.

The sub-floor should be cleaned thoroughly and the floor should be even during the installation. If the floor isn’t even and clean, the marble will not grip the floor very tightly.

Also, there could be air space under the surface, which can make the marble crack due to more pressure. 

Cracks can open due to weather changes as well in such cases. So, this is a crucial step if you want to keep your marble in one piece for a long time.

Low-quality grout can also lead to cracks as poor-quality grout loses its adhesiveness and can damage the marble. 

For this, you will need to call in marble restoration experts and you might also need to buy new marble, which may not match the texture or the colour of your existing surface.

So, these are some reasons why you may need to restore your marble surfaces. While you can try to restore your marble yourself, I would recommend otherwise. 

You should call in experts who have years of experience in the field. You might think the restoration of marble is all about cleaning and repolishing it, but it is more technical than it seems. 

Experts know the right cleaning agents and treatments for each kind of natural stone. While you may think you are cleaning your stone surface, you might be doing more harm than good.

A marble surface looks pristine and gives your space a classy vibe. You do not want to save a few bucks by not hiring professionals as in the long run, the cost will be justified by how long your surfaces stay as good as new.

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