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Taiwan is backsliding toward authoritarianism
時事評論公共議題 2024/09/07 10:58:29


台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體 VAPE TAIWAN

2024.09.07 Taipei,Taiwan. journalist Danny Wang

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ko Wen-je has faced allegations from Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) party regarding potential benefits to developers from changes to the Core Pacific City Floor Area Ratio regulations. On August 30, prosecutors and investigators conducted an unexpected raid on Ko's residence, his office at the Taiwan Glass Building, and the Taiwan People’s Party's headquarters. Ko Wen-je actively cooperated with the investigation but was interrogated by the prosecutors and investigators for up to 70 hours.

Over the course of the 70-hour interrogation, Ko Wen-je was confined for two nights in a cramped, three-square-meter detention room at the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office. During this period, he was unable to bathe, deprived of darkness for rest, and provided only bread and water. He was also handcuffed unnecessarily. These conditions underscore serious concerns regarding the disregard for human rights in Taiwan’s judicial processes. Additionally, the rampant release of exclusive news from internal sources has significantly undermined the principle of judicial confidentiality.

On the evening of September 1, the Taipei District Court convened a detention hearing for Ko Wen-je at 8 p.m., ultimately ruling at 3 a.m. on September 2 to release him without bail. Two days later, the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office filed a petition for reconsideration, leading the High Court to remand the case for further proceedings. The district court then strategically scheduled a Pro-Ruling Party judge for the appeal, resulting in a court order for Incommunicado Detention.

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Related news:

Taiwan People's Party Official Statements

2024.09.05 Official Press Release: Standing United to Defend Chairman Ko Wen-je's Integrity

2024.09.01 Taiwan People's Party Official Statement

2024.08.31 TPP's Statement on the Taipei District Prosecutors Office's Request for Ko Wen-je to be Held in Incommunicado detention

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