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2007/01/23 17:04:59瀏覽647|回應0|推薦13 | |
她, 水汪清澈的大眼, 甜美燦爛的笑顏, 五年來,校園內碰上, 總被她陽光般的笑容吸引, 周身散發的喜樂溫暖, 看不出正與癌症奮戰。 除非進醫院, 她總在學校幫忙。 儘可能陪著孩子成長, 將自己生命最後的五年, 存進她孩子記憶的寶庫, 她, 不滿四十, 暫短一生, 卻深觸人心。 追思禮拜上, 沒人聽她訴苦抱怨過, 總以燦爛的笑臉迎人, 總是散發著愛, 總在為人想, 鼓勵她的最終被她鼓勵, 安慰她的最終被她安慰。 她的外表極美, 她的內心更美。 都說: 人的一生, 不在乎生命的長短, 乃在乎生命的內容。 這正是Stephanie的寫照。 瀟碧 1.22.2007 ========================================================== 上帝環顧祂的花園,空出一塊。 俯視地球,瞧見妳那疲憊面容。 用雙臂抱起,帶妳上來休息。 上帝的花園一定非常美,因為祂帶走的都是最好的。 祂知道,妳在世上再也康復不了。 祂看見道路越來越崎嶇,山嶺越來越難攀登。 祂闔上妳疲累的眼瞼,低語道:安息吧。 失去妳讓我們心碎,但,妳不是孤單而去。 上帝喚妳歸家時,我們的一部分也隨妳而去。 瀟碧 譯 1.22.2007 God looked around His garden, and He found an empty place. He then looked down upon His earth and saw your tired face. He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest. God's garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. He knew that you would never get well on earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, and the hills were hard to climb. So He close your weary eyelids, and whispered "peace be thine.” It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone. For part of us went with you, the day God called you home. ( 此詩,極美,刊於節目單上,不知是否她家人所寫。) |
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