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享譽國際的知名古典鋼琴家 陳必先
2022/06/02 16:52:44瀏覽510|回應0|推薦17

【人物】 陳必先


陳必先,1950年出生於臺北,現為享譽國際的知名古典鋼琴家。四歲開始學琴,五歲公開發表,九歲赴德國科隆(Cologne)音樂院繼續學習,於1970年畢業。隨後屢次在國際大賽中獲獎,如1972年於伊莉莎白大賽(Concours Reine Elisabeth)獲獎、1972年獲第21屆慕尼黑聯合廣播公司(ARD)音樂大賽首獎、荀白克大賽(Arnold Schönberg Competition)首獎、於美國舉辦的巴赫大賽(J.S.Bach Competition)首獎。隨後展開演奏生涯,受邀至各城市與國際知名指揮家及樂團合作。目前居住在德國,任教於國立弗萊堡音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik Freiburg)。

CHEN Pi-Hsien, born in Taipei in 1950, is an internationally-renowned classical pianist. CHEN received her first piano lessons at the age of four and had her debut at five. At the age of nine, she began attending Cologne Conservatory of Music (Hochschule für Musik Köln) for further study, and she graduated in 1970. CHEN has won many important international competitions. She won a prize from the Concours Reine Elisabeth, as well as first prize in the 21st Rundfunkanstalten ARD International Piano Competition in Munich in 1972. She is also a first-prize recipient from the Arnold Schönberg Competition and the J. S. Bach Competition held in the USA. Since then, CHEN has performed worldwide and collaborated with top-ranked orchestras and conductors. She currently resides in Germany, teaching at the Freiburg Conservatory of Music (Hochschule für Musik Freiburg).

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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