一年前換用蘋果電腦突然錄歌不靈了, 在 UDN 上請教網友可惜苦無答案, 一月廿五號在高雄終於遇到一位年輕蘋果達人教會了芭芭辣, 在此感謝 Patrick 老師獻上老歌一條.
Right Or Wrong (原唱 Wanda Green)
Right or wrong I'll be with you I'll do what you ask me to For I believe that I belong By your side, right or wrong Right or wrong it's got to be Always you, always me Won't you take me along To be with you right or wrong?
If it's right for me to love you It can't be wrong for me to care If you will say you love me My life with you I'll share Right or wrong, day by day All my love, all the way For I believe that I belong By your side, right or wrong