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2009/04/16 13:16:26瀏覽1824|回應11|推薦67


首先基本上英文寫作分兩大類:一是 Narrative writing, 說白了就是 telling a story,該類需有 Beginning, Middle and End. 裡面要含 setting, character, plot, conflict, climax and resolution.  故事一定要有高潮及最後敘出解決之道才能吸引讀者。

另一類是 Expository writing, 說白了就是 giving information, 該類需有 Introduction, Body and Conclusion, 裡面要含 topic sentence, reasons/details/facts, transitions, elaboration and closing,這就是我上篇所提到的要點。

下面再多介紹一些 occasion/position statement 做 sentences 的首字(小部份已在上篇提過)不仿把它們記起來運用在自己的句子裡保証好用: After, Although, As, As if, As long as, As soon as, Because, Before, Even, Even if, Enen though, If, In order that, In order to, Since, So that, Though, Unless, Until, When, Whenever, Where, Whereever, Whether and While.


Although my family and I have taken many wonderful vacations, none was more fun and exciting than our trip to Taiwan.

Before you make the decision to light up a cigarette, consider the problems caused by smoking.

有一點初學者特愛用 There are, These are and Here are... 切記最好避免 touch 這些字而改用 who, what, where 及 when 等實際英文字起頭。


Stan, the new student in fourth grade, always brings ( 記住 Stan 是 he,所以不能 He bring...) the same food for lunch. (who)

At Washington School students have many choices at lunchtime. (where)

Every night I take time to complete my homework. (when)

The word friendship means two things. (what)

再談一下哪些 conjuctive adverbs 可代替 However 這個字眼: as a result, consequently, furthermore, in fact, instead, likewise, meanwhile, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still 及 therefore.

在我結束以前要提醒您一句太多ESL學生犯的錯:不是 One of my best friend is coming. 應寫 One of my best friends is coming. 猜您不該是其中之一吧!


( 知識學習語言 )
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Apple *
2009/04/16 19:31
以前因為工作的關係, 我對英文文法是非常重視. 幾乎到了吹毛求疵的地步.
看到或拼音錯誤, 我就渾身不對勁.
下面是一個太多人犯的錯. 人云亦云, 變成通病. 請妳這位老師指正.
A. He is taller than me.
B. He is taller than I.
The complete sentence is "He is taller than I am".
It is obvious that B is the right choice, but 99% of people will choose A.
"Than" is a conjunction, not a preposition.
Am I right?
芭芭辣(Eduyang) 於 2009-04-17 00:59 回覆:
Apple 說的極是,現代人是均用 He is taller than me 了. 但我糾正學生一定要寫 My mom and I are both very tall 而不能 My mom and me are both very tall.
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