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最絕的一句 (Punch Line)
2009/09/25 14:17:56瀏覽516|回應0|推薦3






A Husband's Moment of Realization


A woman's husband had been slipping in and out

of a coma for several months,yet she stayed by

his beside every single day。When he came to,

he motioned for her to come nearer。


As she sat by him,he said,

"You know what? You have been with me all through

the bad times。 When I got fired,you were there

to support me。 When my businessfailed,

you were there。When I got shot,You were by

my side。When we lost the house,you gave me

support。When my health started failing,you were

still by my side..............You know what? "


 " What dear ?" She asked gently。


















" I think you bring me bad luck。"


這句話聽了令人想"Kill" 那沒良心的老公!

像這種料想不到的一句話,就叫: Punch Line.


( 心情隨筆其他 )
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