<>>篇 名 | 藏傳佛教對生命禮俗的看法-以天葬爲例 | 並列篇名 | A Rite of Passage in Tibetan Buddhism: Sky Burial | 作 者 | 黃英傑(Ying-Chieh Huang)巴麥欽哲仁波切 | 刊 名 | 輔仁宗教研究(已列入:臺灣人文學引文索引 THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index)國家圖書館「遠距圖書服務系統」華藝數位股份有限公司電子期刊) | 卷期/出版年月 | 20期(2010/03) | 頁次 | 67-95 | 資料語文 | 中文 | 摘要 | 本文主要探討「宗教禮俗」中的別具特色的生死禮節-西藏天葬。其形成因素不僅是因藏區特殊的地理環境所使然,更與祆教和世界上許多民族曾有過的鳥葬有著不同宗教意義。雖然面對死亡的觀修,是印度佛教各個時期的主要修持法,但不能因此證明印度佛教有天葬的傳統。西藏天葬主要分為將亡者身心分離,以及解剖屍體佈施禿鷹兩大部份,前者是為安送死者亡靈,後者則有轉化凡俗肉身為聖餐,供養神聖賓客的特殊意義。十二世紀前後的施身法,雖與後來的西藏天葬儀式有密切關係,但西藏有明確歷史記錄的天葬,卻是從直貢噶舉創派祖師吉天頌恭建立直貢天葬台開始。這個傳統因為多重的神聖性而延續至今,對藏族喪葬文化有不可抹滅的的貢獻與影響。此後,西藏天葬不僅是一套喪葬禮俗,更是佛教文化、轉世輪迴思想超越對軀體的關心、重視死後心識去處,轉化對死亡恐懼、對身體執著,獲得心靈究竟安樂與解脫的展現。 This paper is about Tibetan sky burial. It points out that sky burial arose not merely due to the geographical features of Tibet. Religious doctrines provided a unique meaning to make the differentiation from Zoroastrianism and other nationality's bird Buried. Though the practices of facing death are found in all periods of Indian Buddhism, yet there is no evidence of sky burial in India. The rite of Tibetan sky burial has two parts: the separation of the body and the mind of the deceased, and the dissection of the corpse to feed vultures. The first step delivers the mind to a better state. The second transforms the ordinary dead body into a holy meal for distinguish guests. Although the rite is connected to the 12th century practice of Chod, yet the first clear historical record of Tibetan sky burial is related to the founder of the Drikung Kahgyu School-Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön-who established the first place for sky burial. This tradition with its many sacred meanings has been handed down to the present. Tibetan sky burial is not only a funeral rite, but also a presentation of Buddhist culture which says that beyond the physical concern to emphasize the peace of mental consciousness, there is a transformation of the fear of death and attachment to one's own body, so as to attain ultimate spiritual happiness and liberation. | 關鍵詞 | 藏傳佛教,直貢噶舉派,直貢替寺,天葬,施身法,破瓦法;Tibetan Buddhism,Drikung Kagyu,Drikung Thel Monastery,Sky Buried,Chod,Powa | CEPS分類 | 學科別>人文學>宗教 |