今年的金馬獎辦的實在是太棒了, 在小巨蛋完全顯示出國際舞台的架勢. 雖然是有點長, 還好我只有主持新光大道, 7:30pm就 OK 啦. 今年舞台設計別有用心, 亮片方式的感覺非常 Hollywood and quite classy.
My favorite is definitely 李安, I'm sure he's everyone's favorite as well. Well deserved for the many awards won by his amazing film "色戒". He's in a different league I must say. Plus he has tens of millions at his disposal combined with the awesome cast, no doubt they won numerous international awards. When I saw the movie, I hadn't expect it to be as intense and so much 內心戲. I personally recommend it if you haven't had a chance to go see it yet. Two thumbs up for sure.