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Filoli - (3) Tulip 鬱金香
2009/04/08 10:05:59瀏覽398|回應0|推薦1

filoli ~ is the last of the grand California estates to be created during the

Golden Age of the early 20th Century. It was opened to the public in 1976.


Tulip 鬱金香 @ filoli garden

Tulips are very popular during the 17th century most of Europe,

particularly Holland. Tulip originate from mountainous areas with

temperate climates and need a period of cool dormancy.

The do best in climates with long cool springs and early summers,

but they are often grown as spring blooming annual plantings in

warmer areas of the world. The bulbs are typically planted in late

summer and fall, normally from 10 -12 cm (4 to 8 inches) deep.                                 




( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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