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McAurth Burney Falls State Park
2008/12/23 13:24:04瀏覽374|回應0|推薦1

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想得我腸兒寸斷   望得我眼兒欲穿
好容易望到了你回來 算算已三年
想不到才相見    別離又在明天
這一回你去了幾時來 難道又三年

* 左三年 右三年 這一生見面有幾天
橫三年 豎三年 還不如不見面
明明不能留戀  偏要苦苦纏綿
為什麼放不下這條心 情願受熬煎*

Burney Falls is one of the most spectacular water falls in north
California and is very pretty. The water flows year-round.
- is one of the very few water falls in California that has good
flow throughout the year.
Lake Britton in Burney Falls State Park offers fishing, boat
launching and swimming throught the summer months at lake.
Photo #1 - Visiting Center at Burney Falls Park 
Photo # 2 - Lake Britton

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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