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Oakland Zoo
2008/11/30 03:27:35瀏覽233|回應0|推薦1

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Oakland Zoo - is home to more than native and exotic animals covering

525 acres with a Children's Zoo

Oakland Zoo - is non-profit organization managed by the East Bay Zoological

Society found in 1922 by Henry Snow, located in Oakland, California

作詞:東孫 作曲:姚敏 演奏:光美

今夜有酒今夜醉 今夜醉在秦淮河畔
月映波堤 燈照堤岸 如花美眷倚欄杆
歌的歌 舞的舞 聲聲相思為誰訴  步步愛憐為誰踱
蜜意柔情為誰流露 為誰流露
歌的歌 舞的舞 朵朵櫻唇為誰塗  層層脂粉為誰敷
美語柔情為誰傾吐 為誰傾吐
Photo # 1 - Lemur               Photo # 2 - Giraffes

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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