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"The Nature and Function of Phantasy" 英 文摘錄
2007/04/06 09:49:39瀏覽531|回應0|推薦0

Isaacs, Susan. “The Nature and Function of Phantasy.” The Freud-Klein controversies, Ed. Pearl King and Riccardo Steiner. London: Routledge, 1991. 264-321.


“I believe that this ‘mental corollary, the psychic representative of instinct. And there is no impulse, no instinctual urge, which is not experience as (unconscious) phantasy. Freud refers to ‘the mental expression of instinctual needs.’ In my view, this means not only libidinal desires, but destructive impulses and anxieties also. Moreover, phantasy soon becomes a means of defense against anxieties, a means of inhibiting and controlling instinctual urges, and expression of reparative wishes.” (277)

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