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Melanie Klein Bibliography


Klein, Melanie. The Writings of Melanie Klein. Vols 4. Vol. I Love, Guilt and Reparation, and Other Works. Vol. II The Psycho-Analysis of Children. Vol. III Envy and Gratitude, and Other Works. Vol. IV Narrative of a Child Analysis. London: Hogarth, 1975.

Klein, M. (1922) “Inhibitions and Difficulties at Puberty.” The Writings of Melanie

Klein. Vol. 1. London: Hogarth, 1975. pp. 54-58.

Klein, Melanie. “The Effects of Early Anxiety Situations on the Sexual Development of the Girl.” 1932. The Psychoanalysis of Children. London: Virago, 1989. 194-239.

Klein, Melanie. Mourning and its Relation to Manic-Depressive State.1940. Love, Guilt and Reparation. London: Karnac Books, 1992. 344-369.

(1923) ‘The Role of the School in the Libidinal Development of the Child’ Int. J. Psycho-Analysis 5: 3l2~31,reprinted 1975, London Virago, Vol. 1. Pp. 59-76.

(1926) ‘The Psychological Priniciples of Early Analysis’ Int. J. Psycho-Analysis 8: 25-37, reprinted 1975, London Virago, Vol. 1. Pp. 128-138.

(1927) ‘Criminal Tendencies in Normal Children.’ British Journal of Medical Psychology 7: 177-192, reprinted London Virago, 1975, Vol. 1, pp. 170-185.

(1928) ‘Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict’ Int. J. Psycho- Analysis 9: 167-180, reprinted 1975, London Virago, Vol. 1. pp. 186-198.

(1929) , Infantile Anxiety-Situations Reflected in a Work of Art and the Creative Impulse.’ Int. J. Psycho-Analysis 10: 436-443, reprinted, London: Virago, Vol.l, pp, 210-218.

(1930) , The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego’ Int. J, Psycho-Analysis 11: 24-39, reprinted London: Virago Vol- 1. pp. 219-232.

(1931) ‘A Contribution to the Theory of Intellectual Inhibition.’ in Int. J. Psycho-Analysis 12: 206-218. reprinted London: Virago, Vol.1 pp. 236-247.

(1932) The Psychoanalysis of Children. London: Hogarth Press, reprinted London: Virago, 1989.

(1932) ‘The Effects of Early Anxiety Situations on the Sexual Development of the Girl’ in The Psychoanalysis of Children. reprint London: Virago pp.194-239.

(1932b) ‘The Effects of Early Anxiety Situations on the Sexual Development of the Boy’ in op. cit. reprint London: Viraqo pp. 240-278.

(1935) ‘A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States.’ Int. J. Psycho-Analysis 16: l45-174. reprinted London: Virago, Vol.1. pp. 262-289.

(1936) ‘Weaning’ reprinted London: Virago, Vol. 1. pp. 290-305.

(1961) Narrative of A Child Analysis. London: Hogarth, reprinted London: Virago 1989.

(1975) Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works 1921-1945. London: Hogarth Press, reprinted London: Virago, Vol. 1- 1989.

(1975) Envy and Gratitude and Other Works 1946-1963. London: Virago, Vol. 2. 1989.


梅蘭尼·克萊恩。《兒童精神分析》。林玉華譯。台北:心靈工坊,2005。【Klein, Melanie. The Psycho-Analysis of Children. 1932. Trans. Alix Strachey. New York: Vintage, 1997. Vol. 2 of The Writings of Melanie Klein. 4 vols. 1975-97.

梅蘭尼·克萊恩。《嫉羨和感恩》。劉慧卿、呂煦宗譯。台北:心靈工坊,2005。【Klein, Melanie. Envy and Gratitude and Other Works 1946-1963. London: Dell Publishing, 1975.


梅蘭尼·克萊恩。《兒童分析的故事》。邱羽先譯。台北:心靈工坊,2006。【Klein, Melanie. Narrative of a Child Analysis. London: Hogarth, 1975.






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