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Websites Reference and Bibliography: Jacques Lacan

New York and London: Routledge, 1991. 

Wikipedia on Mirror Stage (in Chinese, strongly recommended)   http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%85%E5%90%84%C2%B7%E6%8B%89%E5%B2%A1

Mirror Stage. http://www.english.hawaii.edu/criticalink/lacan/index.html

"The mirror stage as formative of the function of
the I as revealed in psychoanalytic experience" (e-text, terms, concepts)—recommended


Wikipedia on Mirror Stage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_stage

Notes on Mirror Stage. recommended


Mirror Stage (in Chinese)



Note of “The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious” (recommended) http://www07.homepage.villanova.edu/paul.livingston/notes%20on%20Lacan%20-%204-20-05.doc


Wikipedia on “phallus:” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phallus

Paul G. Beidler. “(En)Gendering/Desire: Introductory Remarks.”26 April, 2007 http://www.case.edu/affil/sce/Texts_2004/Beidler.htm.

Lacan, Jacques. “Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet.” Literature and Psychoanalysis. Ed. Shoshana Felman. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1982. 11-54.

---. Écrites: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton, 1977. (recommended)

---. The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan Book VII. Ed. Jacques-Alain Miller. Trans. Dennis Porter. London and New York: Norton, 1997. (recommended)

---. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis. Ed. Jacques-Alain Miller. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York and London: Norton, 1981. (recommended)

---. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan (Book XX 1972-1973): On Feminine Sexuality (The Limits of Love and Knowledge). Ed. Jacques-Alain Miller. Trans. Bruce Fink. London and New York: Norton, 1998. (recommended)

---. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book I Freud’s Papers on Technique 1953-1954. Ed. Jacques-Alain Miller. Trans. John Forrester. London and New York: Norton, 1991.

Weber, Samuel. Return to Freud: Jacques Lacan’s Dislocation of Psychoanalysis. Trans. Michael Levine. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.


Leader, Darian。《拉岡》。台北:立緒,1994(繪畫本,recommended)





Boothby, Richard. Death and Desire: Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan’s Return to Freud.

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