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2010/07/07 10:30:27瀏覽368|回應0|推薦9 | |
在氤蘊迷離的懷舊氛圍中,王家衛的《花樣年華》訴說愛情失落的迷惘。在這首英文詩中,我運用旗袍、高跟鞋等意象來展現「女性魅力」,但也點出他們所蘊含的「道德束縛」的反面聯想。女敘述者在月光的引誘之下,沉溺在愛情的虛幻世界中,而這種似假還真的愛意,總隨煙霧散去。除了旗袍、高跟鞋、月光、煙霧的意象營造之外,我模仿sonnet的結構以十四行成詩。同時我嘗試在每句句尾押韻,例如第一句的silhouette與第四句的hesitate; 第三句的derrière與第八行的share及第十三行的air,;第二行的frame與第五行的 flame;第六行的curse,第九到十行的eyes與kiss,及十四行的miss;第七行及十二行的love。除了尾韻之外第十一行三個頭韻suspended, slow, simmering,算是絞盡腦汁之後的神來之筆。 In the Mood for Love Against the body, the floral chipao silhouette Being aligned within a badge of honor, a restricted frame Gently shimmying, my derrière To strut around in high-heeled shoes, hesitate To your world of flame It must be a moon’s curse That seduces me to the mood for love To the only night we share I live in the deeper of your eyes From desire to desire, our kiss Suspended, a moment of slow simmering puffing away as flare, our love All that is solid melts into air At every chance that I miss (7/7/2010修改詩作; 照片攝於京都)
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