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2010/01/19 10:34:30瀏覽1545|回應0|推薦0

Re: 中央研究院歐美研究所擬於201010月舉辦「理論的饗宴:當代社會文化法政理論研討會」,

聯絡人: 張小姐(yochiyan@gate.sinica.edu.tw

審查結果: 將於20102月底前通知。


論文題目:朦朧的慾望:憂鬱客體的殘跡 (The Obscure Desire: Traces of the Melancholic Object)









     In his 1917 article “Mourning and Melancholia,” Sigmund Freud contends that in the melancholia, there is the identification with the lost object involving unconscious components that provokes a loss of self-regard. Based on the same mode of Freudian object-relations theory, Melanie Klein develops her idea of “Depressive Position,” in which the infant becomes aware of separateness from the mother, and this anxiety forces the infant to realize the increasing nearness of good and bad that brings a corresponding integration of ego. Julia Kristeva, in her book Black Sun, uses the term melancholia to refer to the “Narcissistic Depression” embedded with features of death drive that leads to a threat of the loss of subjectivity. For Kristeva, melancholia is to be located in the prospect of severance with the mother. However, putting the sad mood to work in the symbolic realm is a way to identify with the imaginary father who could help the subject to sublimate his/her chaotic semiotic process. In Judith Bulter’s The Psychic Life of Power, she explains a political account of the formation of the subject. “Gender Melancholia” is a term that she invented to explore a concept of the cultural ideal that a woman performs normative femininity by rejecting same-sex pleasure. It is also a kind of melancholia where the subject experiences normative gender performativity as a lost ideal. In this study, I examine links among “Depressive Position,” “Narcissistic Depression,” “Gender Melancholia” rooted in the role of loss of the object in the process of the formation of subjectivity development. Building on the work of Freud, Klein, Kristeva, and Butler, I describe some of the psychological losses inherent in the object-relations and propose that many important phenomena in the area of gender and sexuality can be illuminated from this research of a mapping of genealogy of “melancholia.”   


   Keywords: object, loss, gender melancholia, depressive position, narcissistic melancholia


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