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1061 Reading Explorer 2_Unit 3
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By: Teresa Yuh-yi 談玉儀

From: Wikipedia, Cobuild Dictionary and Reading Explorer 2




Unit 3 “History Detectives”


1.          analyze (v.) 分解;解析

n   to study (something) closely and carefully

2.          archeologist (n.) 考古學家

n   a person who studies prehistoric people and their culture

3.          attach (v.) 1.裝上,貼上,繫上[(+to)]

n   to be or become joined or connected

4.          beneath (adv.) 在下;向下

n   in or to a lower position under something

5.          coffin  (n.) 棺材

n   a box which a dead body is buried or cremated   

6.          conduct (v.) 實施;處理;經營,管理

n   to plan and do (something, such as an activity)

7.          brutally (adv.) 殘忍地(adv.)

n   in a manner that willingly or knowingly causing pain or distress    

8.          debatable (adj.) 可爭辯的,可爭論的

n   open to question

9.          deduce (v.) 演繹,推論[(+from)][+that]

n   to use logic or reason to decide something

10.      detective (n.) 偵探

n   someone whose job is to discover what has happened in a crime or other situation and to find the people involved

11.      effective 有效的

n   producing a result that is wanted 

12.      enable (v.) 使成為可能

n   to make something possible

13.      frozen (adj.) 結冰,凝固

n   turned into ice

14.      iceman (n.) 冰人奧茨

n   冰人奧茨(Ötzi)是1991年於阿爾卑斯山的奧茨塔爾山冰川發現的天然木乃伊,地點位於奧地利及義大利邊境附近。這具木乃伊正是以其發現地而命名的。該具冰人生存於公元前3300年,距今已被冰封5000餘年。他是歐洲最古老的人類木乃伊,為考古學家打開了瞭解紅銅時代歐洲古人的前所未有的新視野。

n   資料來源: 維基百科 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E5%86%B0%E4%BA%BA%E5%A5%A7%E8%8C%A8

15.      imply (v.) 暗指;暗示;意味著[+(that)]

n   to express (something) in an indirect way

16.      indicate (v.) 指示

n   to be a sign of; show

17.      infection (n.) 傳染病; 感染[C]

n   a disease or sickness

18.      injury (n.) (對人,動物的)傷害;(對健康的)損害

n   harm or damage

19.      laborer (n.) 勞工

n   a person who does hard physical work for money

20.      luxurious (adj.) 豪華的;非常舒適的;

n   very comfortable and expensive

21.      mummy (n.) 木乃伊;(大自然中的)不腐屍體

n   a dead body which is preserved long ago by being rubbed with special oil and wrapped in cloth

22.      murder (n.) 謀殺

n   the crime of deliberately killing a person

23.      offer (v.) 提供

n   to present or put forward

24.      pharaoh (n.) 法老(古埃及國王)

n   a king of ancient Egypt

25.      rule out (phrase)=exclude 排除

n   to prove to be unrelated or not to be considered; exclude

26.      tomb (n.) ;墓碑

n   a large grave

27.      vulnerable (adj.)

n   easily hurt or harmed

28.    wealthy (adj.) 財富的

n   having a lot of money or possessions; rich


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