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1061 Reading Explorer 2_Unit 2
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By: Teresa Yuh-yi 談玉儀

From: Wikipedia, Cobuild Dictionary and Reading Explorer 2




Unit 2 “Our Bonds with Animals”


1.          affection (n.) 喜愛

²  a feeling of liking for someone or something

2.          alarm (v.) 使驚慌不安,使恐懼

3.          to make someone afraid that something dangerous might happen

4.          antler (n.) 鹿角

²  Antlers are long, branched horns that grow on the heads of some animals, like deer or moose (馴鹿).       

5.          apparently (adj.) 明顯的 according to appearances, initial evidence or incomplete results

6.          aware (adj.) 覺察 knowing that something exists

²  awareness (n.) 察覺;覺悟;體認 [U]; (+of)]

²  to be aware of

7.          curiously (adv.) 好奇的

²  in a manner with a desire to learn or know more about something or someone    

8.          complex (adj.) 複雜的,錯綜複雜的;難懂的

²  having parts that go together in a complicated way; not simple

9.          donate (v.) 捐贈

²  to give (something) in order to help a person or organization

10.      domestic (adj.) 國家的;國內的; 家庭的; 馴養的

²  not wild; home; native; local

11.      flipper  (n.) 鰭狀肢

²  The flippers of an animal that lives in water, for example a seal or a penguin, are the two or four flat limbs which it uses for swimming.

12.      garbage (n.) 垃圾;剩菜;廢物

²  things that are no longer wanted and have been thrown out

13.      leap (v.) 跳躍

²  to jump through the air from one point to another

14.      lighthearted (adj.) 歡喜的

²  Someone or something that is lighthearted is cheerful and happy.

15.      luggage (n.) 行李[U]

²  the bags and suitcases that a person carries when traveling

16.      interact (v.) 互動

²  to talk or do things with (someone)      

17.      obedient (adj.) 服從的,順從的;恭順的[(+to)]

²  willing to do what someone tells you to do

18.      partnership (n.) 合夥(或合作)關係[U]

²  a relationship in which two or more people or groups work together

19.      pampered (adj.) 嬌寵的

²  If a person or an animal is pampered, they live a very comfortable life and are treated very well.

20.      rescue (v.) 拯救

²  save (someone) from a dangerous or difficult situation

21.      school (n.) (水族);魚群

²  A school of fish or dolphins is a large group of them moving through water together.  

22.      season (n.) 季節

²  a period of the year associated with a particular activity

23.      selection (n.) 選擇

²  the act of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable       

24.      single (adj.)  單一的

²  only one

25.      talent (n.) 天份

²  a special ability that allows someone to do something well

²  synonym (同義字): ability, aptitude, gift

26.      tusk (n.)

²  Tusks are the long, pointed teeth of some animals, like walruses. (海象)

27.      track (v.) 追蹤

²  to follow and find by looking for signs to show where (someone or something) has gone

28.      unknown (adj.) 不知道的;未知的;陌生的;默默無聞的[(+to)]

²  not known

29.      variety (n.) 種種 (+of)]

²  different types of things

²  a large or sufficient amount of quantity  

30.      border collie 邊境牧羊犬

²  A dog that herds livestock

²   They are widely considered to be among the most intelligent breed of dog.

²  The border collie is a breed of herding dog that originated along the borders of England, Wales and Scotland.

31.      husky 愛斯基摩犬

²  Husky is a general term for several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs that pull people through the cold and snow.

²  Because of strength and stamina, the name “husky” is used extensively for sports mascots (吉祥物).

32.      beagle 小獵犬

²  The beagle is a breed of small to medium-sized dog.

²  A member of the hound that can find illegal items in luggage

33.      chihuahua 吉娃娃

²  A chihuahua is a very small dog of short hair.

34.      wheaten terrier 愛爾蘭軟毛挭

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