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出來曬太陽~~2010.6.21 夏至
2010/06/20 11:14:18瀏覽1749|回應22|推薦99

  夏季:立夏 小滿 芒種 夏至 小暑 大暑

  今天   是北半球  二十四節氣裡的  夏至    太陽直射最北的盡頭 ---- 北回歸線

  白天最長  夜晚最短     今天以後   太陽直射點  開始往南移   白天將會漸漸 變短

  顧名思意  炎熱的夏天到了   跟  梅雨季節  說再見之後 

  颱風  和  西北雨    這兩位火爆浪子   將會  來匆匆  去匆匆

  參考來源  台灣大百科全書  http://taiwanpedia.culture.tw/web/content?ID=11753

  File:Earth-lighting-summer-solstice Hant.png





                            不管您  喜歡  白蘭地  威士忌  紹興酒  米酒頭

                                                   還是  啤酒   葡萄酒 

                           這 陳放  超過30年  的  老酒   

                                               總是  讓人   回味無窮     

                                           Summer Wine 夏天來喝  更對味                   

                           Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood - Summer Wine (1967)



                                 Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring 
                               My summer wine is really made from all these things

               I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled to
                  A song that I had only sang to just a few
                        She saw my silver spurs and said lets pass some time
                                And I will give to you summer wine
                                          Ohh-oh-oh summer wine

                            Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
                                     My summer wine is really made from all these things
                                            Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
                                                       And I will give to you summer wine
                                                                    Ohhh-oh summer wine

              My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
                     I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feet
                            She reassured me with an unfamiliar line
                                  And then she gave to me more summer wine
                                        Ohh-oh-oh summer wine 

                                        Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
                                              My summer wine is really made from all these things
                                                      Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
                                                               And I will give to you summer wine
                                                                         Mmm-mm summer wine

           When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
                 My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size
                    She took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime
                        And left me cravin' for more summer wine
                             Ohh-oh-oh summer wine

                                    Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
                                              My summer wine is really made from all these things
                                                        Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
                                                                  And I will give to you summer wine
                                                                                Mmm-mm summer wine

 歌詞來源      http://www.metrolyrics.com/summer-wine-lyrics-nancy-sinatra.html   


                       也來聽聽  走在鐵路旁 的  鄰家小妹

                                 蔡幸娟 的



  夏天給人的感覺  是  藍藍的天空  大大的太陽  
                  南美洲的 阿根廷  自然的山景  給人陽光滿滿的印象
  在這  盛夏時刻  來杯  阿根廷  的  馬爾貝克 malbec  吧
       門多薩  Mendoza 地區的酒  海拔  也有大約 1000公尺
            充分的日曬   地勢上形成的日夜溫差
                 讓源自傳統歐洲的  馬爾貝克品種的葡萄酒  在 南美洲的陸地  大放異彩
                                這瓶酒  是我 97 年 9 月份  買的   也擺了快兩年的時間了

                     喝 阿根廷  的  馬爾貝克 

                     不能正經  兄  說他喜歡  直接整瓶拿起來喝 

                      既然是  夏天    也來個 豪邁的喝法

                                              不用  玻璃紅酒杯  找來家裡最大一個的  馬克杯

                                               這樣沒倒滿  就已經剛好半瓶 

                      喝紅酒 用玻璃杯 應該是 慢慢等候 和空氣接觸後 色  香  味  的變化

                                                怎麼喝  心境的變化  歡喜就好





                夏天的陽光  讓我忍不住  把所有的 紙袋拆下來

                       讓 轉紅的葡萄  也  來享受  溫暖的日光浴

                                            巨峰品種 的    大山


                  這座山  沒有浪得虛名  是三棵葡萄樹  結果最多的





                                     黑后品種  的  非洲皇后

                                     也正慢慢地  轉紅成熟

                                             葉子 也被  空降部隊  啃的 一個洞    一個洞



                                                 種在  橡木桶裡的  另一棵  巨峰葡萄  招風





                                                  葡萄籐  在陽光下  向前延伸



                                                 另一棵今年買的  黑后葡萄


                                    才拆開袋子  曬三天的太陽 

                        屋頂的 麻雀 和 白頭翁  就先來試吃了

                              只好乖乖的把  紙袋再套回去



                                熱情的夏天   來敲門了 


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Olivia 隨心所欲
2010/06/20 11:36
Derek(DEREK1812) 於 2010-06-22 20:52 回覆:

葡萄  是蠻好照料的 

種在 盆子  也可以

如果沒有開花結果   綠色的葉子也蠻不錯的

☆ hanㄋㄟ ★
2010/06/20 11:36
Wow 看著一串串美麗葡萄成熟時

呵呵  真想摘下來品嚐ㄟ


吃的放心  甜蜜在心坎裡咧

炎炎夏日  快點避暑去啦

Derek(DEREK1812) 於 2010-06-22 20:50 回覆:

感謝 hanㄋㄟ 的造訪

這幾天  台中  飆高溫  午後 就來陣  又快又急的西北雨

自己種的  有施用肥料 但是  沒使用農藥

確實  吃起來比較  放心  

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