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新澤西州(New Jersey)海岸遊 (1c)裸體海灘
2011/06/04 04:56:17瀏覽2010|回應0|推薦0
從New Jersey北部搬來新澤西州中部海邊也十年了, 但三十年來都不曽在新澤西州的海邊泡在海水裏, 卻遠至紐約市的JONES BEACH; Virginia Beach, Virginia; Ocean City, Maryland;
Waikiki Honolulu, HI 去游泳! 這就好像住在泰山下, 卻沒有登過泰山一様! 一直聽說新澤西州有個合法的公衆天體海灘在Sandy Hook, 可是一直沒有機會去大開眼界, 毎次到Sandy Hook就去看燈塔、骨董防空飛彈、砲台等等! Sandy Hook有如南北長形直立的半島, 一邊是大西洋有很多海灘; 一邊是 Sandy Hook Bay有很多小湖可作泛舟、風帆等運動! 只有 Gunnison Beach這個海灘是公衆天體海灘, 它附近原是古代保衛紐約港的砲台, 要開到北端的停車場G(Gunnison Beach - 787 cars), 然後再步行進去!
因為還不是海灘營業期間(Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day), 所以訪客不多, 只看到大西洋的海浪及燈塔(這次没有登上塔頂), 當然其他什麼都沒看到!

Quay 龍蝦自助餐廳 (Sea Bright,New Jersey,USA) 已經倒閉關門了


沒看到裸體, 就看看花了!

Sandy Hook 【旅遊資訊】
Sandy Hook Visitor Center (732) 872-5970
Sandy Hook Ranger Station (24hrs.) (732) 872-5900

Beach Fees:
Season - $50 per car, per season
Daily - $10 per car
Daily - $25 oversized vehicles
Senior - $25 per car, per season

Beach Tag Purchase Location:
Fee plaza at entrance

Lifeguard Hours:
10:00am to 6:00pm, seasonally

Note: A parking fee is assessed for seasonal beach parking.

Southern beaches:
Lot B - 337 cars
Lot C - 297 cars
Lot D - 703 cars
Lot E - 744 cars

Gunnison Beach - 787 cars
Lot J - 341 cars
Lot K - 650 cars
Lot I - 165 cars (Proving Grounds/North Beach)

Note: Fort Hancock parking is not subject to seasonal rates.

Visitor Center (Spermaceti Cove): 22 cars, 2 buses or 25 cars
Horseshoe Cove: 34 cars

A 12-foot wide asphalt pathway that begins at the park entrance and extends 5 miles to the Ferry Landing adjacent to the Post Chapel (auditorium) available to bicyclists, roller-bladers and walkers throughout the year.

A temporary barge for ferry landings is brought in seasonally.

Guarded Bathing Beach:
Six guarded beaches including Areas B, C, D, E, Gunnison Beach and North Beach

Surfing Beach:
Traditional surfing: ocean side of C lot
Windsurfing: bay side of C lot

Most northern tip of Sandy Hook (north of 9-Gun Battery)
Fishing beach (on ocean side after beach area E).
Entire bay side is open for fishing.

Note: A fishing permit is required at night, after park closes and is sold at the Ranger Station.

Boat Launch:
No motorized watercraft is allowed. Small watercraft (canoes and kayaks are allowed) can be launched at numerous points on the river/bay.

Handicap Access:
All beach centers are accessible and have beach wheel chairs available for use free of charge to the public. There is an accessible ocean viewing platform at Lot B, North Beach has a second floor deck that is available by way of a ramp. The bayside "boardwalk" across from the visitor center is accessible. Handicap parking for Visitor Center is available at D or E lot.

Vehicular Access:
Clearly defined road throughout Sandy Hook. Main road, Hartshorne Drive runs through entire park up to and including Fort Hancock. Maps of Fort Hancock are available for the public in a variety of park sites, as well as posted at bulletin sites.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )

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