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2005/09/20 23:27:11瀏覽559|回應3|推薦11 | |
中秋節的前一天晚上, 收到一位很照顧我的日本人前輩的EMAIL. 寫到: ********************************************* Dear Sharon Are you looking up the sky now and see the beautiful moon? I haven't seen the moon like this for years. Why don't you let PaoPao see it. He will love it. ********************************************* Pao Pao是奶寶在日本的名字「宝宝=パオパオ」的發音(或バオバオ) 我一看完這email馬上挖奶寶起來去門外看
「Bao~ LOOK!!!」
「Look WHAT ?」
「Did you see?」
「Yes! Full Moon!」
「Happy Moon Festival to everyone!」 |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |