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MMOexp: Use a Scroll of Cursed Chaos to become invincible
2024/05/29 09:47:28瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0

According to this player, the method to Diablo 4 Gold become invincible works as follows: stand on the border of the PvP and PvE areas, and use any skill once. Then use any "normal" strike once, and finally use a Scroll of Cursed Chaos to become invincible in the PvP area and quite literally wreck anyone you come across.

Diablo 4 players are turning on its once most-popular class | MMOEXP

Diablo 4 players are gradually settling on the Sorcerer being the worst class in the entire game.

Back in early June, just a few days after Diablo 4 first launched, it was revealed that the Sorcerer was the most popular class in the entire game, somehow beating out the Necromancer. The tables have now truly turned on the once-supreme class though, as players are slowly dubbing it the worst class in Diablo 4.

Just below, theres a staggering testimony from a Sorcerer veteran with over 330 hours put into their character so far. The class is apparently having a really hard time clearing any Nightmare Dungeon above Tier 70, and this combined with an apparently underwhelming Paragon Board means this player is done with their Sorcerer class until at least Season 2 or 3 of buy Diablo 4 Gold.

( 興趣嗜好電玩動漫 )
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