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MMOexp: Making a reduction in the difficulty of some aspects
2024/06/04 09:43:42瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0
As part of an effort to address the multitude of Diablo 4 Gold complaints over Diablo 4s most recent update, Blizzard is nerfing the difficulty of Nightmare Dungeons to make them easier for a wider array of classes and builds to complete.

"Were making a reduction in the difficulty of some aspects of Nightmare Dungeons to kind of retune some things," associate game director Joe Piepiora said as part of todays campfire chat stream. "Roughly where you are with a Nightmare Dungeon tier 70, thats kind of actually where we want the difficulty to be for a tier 100 as players are going through the experience. So theres still a thing to buy Diablo 4 Gold push for, but its more reasonable."

"Were actually planning on rolling that out in a hotfix, specifically," associate director of community management Adam Fletcher added a bit later in the stream. "That is something that we actually plan on rolling out later today."

Diablo 4 and other Blizzard games are "experiencing a DDoS attack" | MMOEXP

A DDoS attack is making it difficult for Diablo 4 players and fans of other Blizzard games to connect online.
( 興趣嗜好電玩動漫 )
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