| Turkey in the Straw Watch the magic as the card unfolds.
Music: Turkey in the Straw (Traditional) | Happy Thanksgiving Push here | | Pumpkin Pie Jacquie's been in the kitchen again...
Music: Jazzy version of "She'll be comin' round the mountain" This card has optional greetings: Happy Thanksgiving!, You're Invited! | Happy Thanksgiving Push here |
西元 1620年英國的五月花號 The Mayflower, 載著大約有 大人和小孩共一百多人的英國清教徒 Pilgrims 在現在麻薩諸 塞州的普利斯敦港口登陸. 當年的寒冬天寒地凍, 讓他們受盡 苦難. 印地安人給予玉米麥片和火雞, 到春天時只剩下50多人 存活. 而印地安人協助他們, 教導如何墾荒和種植及豢養家畜. 因而有了較好的豐收. 為感謝上帝及印地安人朋友, 清教徒門 每年舉行感恩慶典儀式. 在黎明時鳴放禮炮,列隊走進教堂點火 起舞舉行宴會. 1789年華盛頓總統就職聲明中宣佈11月26日星期四為感恩節 , 以鼓勵美國人發揚祖先感恩精神, 感謝印地安人也成為美國正 式節日. 後來在 1863 年美國總統林肯宣布每年十一月最後一個 星期四為感恩節假期, 之後感恩節的日期也經過幾次變動. 至1941年經過國會通過. 開始改回每年11月第四個星期四為 感恩節.
The Pilgrims (清教徒) In 1620 a group of men, women, and children came to this country from England. They came in a ship called the Mayflower. These people wanted to worship as they pleased. We call them the Pilgrims. They built their homes and churches in this new land. Print the name of the Pilgrim's ship in the dotted squares starting at the top. The other words in this puzzle are found in the story above. Fill in all the words. The Native Americans helped the new settlers. The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving. They were happy to be aliveafter thair first year in America.
Dear My Friend
The most beautiful relationship is
Respect, Understanding and Trust.
Trust can not be measured in hours, days
or Even years.
With warmest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving
You and Your Family !!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year !!