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2022/07/13 04:39:57瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0

Mail Assure User Guide

Setup N-able Single Sign-On (SSO)

To setup an individual N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) account, follow the below steps. N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) accounts can be used with a number of other N-able products, such as MSP Manager, Take Control, Backup Manager and Passportal, among others, see https://www.n-able.com/all-products for a list of available products.

N-able Single Sign-On (SSO), is the primary log in mechanism for Mail Assure Admin users.

N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) is only available for main Admin account and Technicians of this account. Any Admin users structured below this (sub-admins) will not be able to use N-able Single Sign-On (SSO).

Link User to N-able Single Sign-On (SSO)

To link a non-SSO user to SSO, see Legacy - Link User to N-able Single Sign-On (SSO).

Additional N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) Admin Users

To create additional N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) Admin Users for the same user level, you need to Add a Technician User, then follow the invitation email link once the account is created.

This must be an Technician of the main Admin account, for N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) to be available.


本文引用自: https://documentation.n-able.com/mail-assure/userguide/qsg/Content/B_Admin%20Level/continuity/setup-
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